Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Akio Hiiro.

I'm currently 18 years old and am just about to finish high school. After that I plan on becoming a world class writer. I already published two books and one of them is really rising the English-international carts like a rocket!

Might never have to lift a finger in my life again if it keeps going like that, but where would be the fun in that, right?

Well right now I am as always writing my next book, a continuation of the one that went off like the freaking Saturn 5, when I notice that I definitely ran out of Coke.

And snacks now that I think about it. This is the last pack of cookies I got.

Damn it.

Welp, no use trying to keep going.

So without delay I leave my den of creative serenity (my unorganized, downright chaotic, bedroom) and leave for the store with my trusty black backpack.

If you, dear reader, are wondering where in the nine hells my parents are when it is already almost five in the afternoon (eight to four is the standard in European countries, contrary to the nine to five in America) well let me tell ya, they are actually only my mom, and she is probably vibin' it at work, slave driving the workers as if it gets out of style.

Though honestly I have no idea where she actually works or what her job is, only that it has to do with entertainment, whatever that means.

She by the way is what people call a Queen!

Long straight black hair, black eyes and a figure people literally kill for. Some even described her as otherworldly, especially with her attitude of elevated disinterest in everything except me.

She kinda spoiled me rotten as a kid, and when I started high school I had to beg her to let me do it on my own.

I never want a repeat from middle school, where she traumatized the principal on my first day to make sure I am safe and well educated.

Back to the present, leaving the house in my favourite outfit, a black Metallica hoody, my black 11th commandment t-shirt below and black cargo pants with black hiking boots, I put in my headphones and put on my playlist.

Starting it off with a noice heavy riff from Skillet's 'The Resistance'.

I live in a more serene country setting, not really a village but not quite a town either, so the shop is not that far way but it isn't like just around the block.

The sun is slowly setting and the air is filled with the scent of late summer.

A perfect day all in all.

Within half an hour (I did not stress it) I reached the shop, buying myself all the snacks and all the coke that can fit in my backpack. And I still am loaded with cash, cause mom insists that I always carry at least five hundred with me... I really don't get why that much, but oh well.

And then it happens. A guy with a gun drops by.

"Everyone on the ground now! You! Fill this with all you got."

He shoves a bag over the counter and holds the girl behind it at gunpoint.

What an ass. Just get a job fucker!

I sneak behind him, using the shelves as cover.

Then within a couple seconds I manage to kick his knees hard enough to make him fall over, grab his now raised hand with the gun and twirl it out of his grasp.

I then take out the magazine and unload the cambered round whilst throwing the magazine behind me and the gun to his feet.

"Apologize and then get the hell outa here, asshole!"

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