Chapter 6

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Five hours and a Ban under the table later, I and Meliodas are the only ones still awake in the Boar Hat.

"So you came here really only recently, then felt the darkness from the demons in the capital and just decided to help?"

"Yeah where else could I find some good fights than places of darkness crawling with insane Grand Masters and Demons?"

"True, True. And what is your plan now?"

"Honestly I don't think this thing is over... the feeling that brought me here is still there and I am no step closer to identifying what it is."

Meliodas took another sip of his bottle.


"Yeah. Like as if someone is trying to figure out your power level by drilling into the back of your head. It's annoying as fuck."

From the look on his face I guess he knows what it is, that brief flash of understanding, coming to a conclusion, which quickly got overshadowed by his deadpan.

"So you know what it is, eh?"

"Yeah. It's Merlin. She ran an experiment to find other powerful people."

"What for? To fight them?"

He looks conflicted. I'm pretty certain it's to fight the Demon Race but he doesn't know I know about the Demon Race, the coffin of eternal darkness or even the Holy War and his involvement at all.


It seems he reached a decision."

"We need allies. The demons... they are-"



"Well then let's just make sure to either figure out how to create a new coffin or how to properly kick their backsides."

He chuckles and drowns the bottle.

"So you're in?"

"Were do I need to sign?"

He whips out a piece of paper that reads 'Boar Hat Employment Contract'.

"Well next time try to be more subtle about what you write on them, but honestly I don't have a problem working here. It's only for a while, but it may be that I need to make a quick detour at times. So I need the freedom to do exactly that."


"As what would I work? I can cook very well and know my way around alcohol."

"Then you are the new Boar Hat Cook and Bartender!"

"Neat! Always wanted to be a bartender."

I jump over the counter, after placing my signature on his contract, and start pulling out a mug and a rag to start cleaning it bartender style!

"One question though, you are a Demon aren't you?"

He suddenly snaps his head up an expression of shock on his face.

"Oh come on you kinda have this demonic feel about you, then you were surprised when I used Hellblaze and then there is than fact that you are quite certainly not human as you are way older than you look."

"The same could be said about you. Are you a Demon?"

"Nah, I'm not a demon, but I learned demonic and dark magic."

"Then what are you?"

"Just a Barkeep with a mean right hook."

I give him a shit-eating grin, that he returns.

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