Chapter 4

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A hungover Aqua, a totally energetic and newly dressed Kazuma, the explosive loli and a secret DIY Goddess Paladin walk into a bar...

Well with the Bar being the Guild and this sadly not being a joke.

We all take place at their typical, my new typical, table and order breakfast.

"I feel like a train just ran me over"

We all ignore the whining.

"Well, what do you guys plan to do today?"

"I am going on my daily walk!"

Megumin proudly states, as if she really would just go for a walk.

"Well I'll wait here for a while, maybe a good quest will be hung up. I can't wait to test out this nice Sword!"

"If you need some training I'm at level 97 with Martial Arts."

"What's the max?"

"100, usually, but there are those that can be limit broken and then it just keeps going, or those that have no level at all, only proficiency."

"Neat, so you are a real sword master, eh?"

"During that one dungeon raid I actually fought the Divine Blade Lance Corporal. He was a Sword master and the fight went for over three hour. Was by far the longest fight I ever had, but not the most active. Engage, disengage, circling and repeat."

"I'll gladly learn your ways Vanquisher of the Divine Blade!"

Title Aqquired: Vanquischer of the Divine Blade (+Agility, +Strength, + Divine Sword Style Cerceus)

Hmm, not bad against Demons and Unholy Creatures but otherwise kinda lame.

Aqua then left for some bathing time to fully sober up and get rid of the hangover and Megumin left for her walk. Only Kazuma and myself remain. Alone abandoned by the party they love...

I really have to get rid of that dramatic attitude. OR CRANK IT UP TO ELEVEN, MUHAHAHAHA!

*!Evil Chaotica Laugh!*

"You alright?"

"Uh did I do that out loud?"


"Sorry. Just my brain going to places no one has gone before!"

"Chaotica's Bride?"

"Exactly! You readers all got the reference? Then your good!"

"Who are the Readers? Wait are we in a story?"

"Yup. Fanfiction of a series called Konosuba! No idea what happens though did not exist in my/our world..."

"Damn that would have been too neat."


The next hour we remain seated, not doing anything except drinking and eating breakfast.



The new party member

Rewards 1.000 EXP, Darkness/Lalatina Dustiness Ford, 1 Skillbook

"I happen to see your recruitment poster,are you still looking for Party members? I happen to have seen your party return the other day and how you partied yesterday, those poor girls what acts must have happened to them to be covered in slime or unable to move... *pant* *pant*"

You for real? A firkin masochist?

"Ahem, Yeah we are, but I really don't recommend it, we are a really useless party like on cant attack the other is down for the count after a single one."

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