Chapter 3

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Well with that done I now only have to find a party. Maybe one has place a note at the board.

So I approach the board. And immediately regret having such good hearing.

In its vicinity the loudest of the adventurers seem to reside. So I tune out all noises to normal human hearing.

Maybe a good idea, dialling down all the senses to human levels while in the city. Maybe then the stench will go away as well.

Lots of jobs, even more jobs, a request from the guild not to throw up directly in front of the doors...


Immediate Openings!

We are a cosy, harmonious party. Any adventurers who wish to journey with the beautiful and noble archpriest, Aqua, need look no further!

A couple of apparent party member reviews fill out part of the page.

Requirements: Only adventurers in advanced classes need apply.

What a load of crap, but beggars can't be choosers and they are the only party with an opening. And that is proof enough that something is fishy about that party.

So I make my way towards the two people sitting a little off to the side, where a male voice called the female Aqua.

"You the party who searched for new members?"

They both look over to me and then do a contest of who can spit their drink farther and directly in my face. Fuck Misfortune.

"Are you from Earth?"

The guy in an ugly green track suit asks.

"Yup! Born, raised and died in Japan."

"Neat me too"

Tracksuit jumped up and tried to hug me.

He seems really happy for some reason... so I let him.

"Hey what's up buddy?"

"Never though I meet someone from back home you know."

Huh. He got a point there. Ok I decided I like him.

"I'm Akio Hiiro by the way."

"Kazuma Satou, and you most definitely are in."

I get out of the manly hug (no homo) and turn towards the blue haired goddess.

"Hello I am the Archpriest Aqua."

"I know you are a goddess, goddess of Water Aqua of the Axis Sect."

"OH! Are you a follower by any chance?"

I laugh out loud. A bellowing, ominous laugh (Ludociel-like) that made the entire room look my way in surprise and fear.

"HAHAHAHA! No I'm actually with the Eris-Sect since she reincarnated me."

And I take out the Eris-Pendant.

At that her face makes a total derailment.

Worth it! And Kazuma has to hold in his laughter as well.

"What did you choose btw, if you did not get reincarnated by a useless goddess that you even started to worship?"

"First I do not worship worship Eris, I just have this as a reminder of her. I mean we did kinda tie the knot during my time with her..."


I sit with Eris on my lap in the chair and read through the tutorials as suddenly a companion system appears.

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