Chapter 7

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Phew what a day...

First Galand, then the rest of the sins andfinally the Druids...

And now training, as if I needed it. I really should just take this easy, just some low level mobs, maybe a couple of Mini-Bosses and most definitely no Demons, Archangels or fucking Gods!

Taking my sweet time I dispose of some Slimes. The dungeon I am currently in is a big flat grassy plain inhabited by very weak slime monsters the size of a football each. Their stats are all in the single digits and they are quite pleasing to look at, wobbling and jumping through the grass in their multitude of colours. The sun drenching everything in a pleasant warm light and the few trees that dot the landscape of slight, I mean really slight like max 2 meters in height, hills are perfect to just lie down on a strong branch in the shadows and kick back with a nice drink from my inventory.

That is how you chill!

No wellness baths or chemicals to put on your skin, no obsessive music, straining sights to focus on, no nothing for that matter except the sound of the wind ruffling through the leafs and grass, the occasional sound of a slime hopping by and otherwise silence.

I remain here for over three hours doing absolutely nothing except maybe dosing off a little.

And after that time I feel like a new person, relaxed to the core.

Once I am finished with this Demon Race shit, that should only take about a month two at most, I will return to Axel and see if Kazuma and the rest have taken well to my tips and the gifts I made them. If they have a formidable party should await me, but I kinda think they rather went blowing up a castle for two months angering a certain Demon General and doing only enough quests to drink till the mornin'...

Maybe I'll bring the sins along, and then I at least have somewhat normal people to talk with.

Ok. Not normal at all, but fun and interesting.

I leave the dungeon again, and with only about 15 minutes having passed I still got lots of time on my hands.

So I decide to visit the Commandments.

Not to introduce myself but to see them all in person. Without them seeing me, of course.

What can I say I'm rather curious.

Nearing Edinburgh I activate all my stealth skills, nullifying my presence and visual perceptiveness. It is the thief skill Lurk at max level. It works actually like a perception filter from Doctor Who, you are not really invisible, just imperceptible because your brain does not really realize you are there and instead passes over, never lingering on point.

It is quite fascinating actually the implications of it that the brain cannot perceive things right there, even within the visual spectrum. Makes you think what else you missed by just not realizing it was there...

And there it is, Edinburgh Castle in all its strange, otherworldly glory, filled with quite powerful presences.

First I look for the Leader and Mel's Little Bro, Zeldris.

Powerlevel 60k, same as in the Anime. That's kinda a relieve. Means my knowledge about them is more spot on than just coincidence.

Then I just keep fanboying over all of them, Estarossa, Drole, Monspete, Melascula, Grayroad, Derieri, Dreyfus or Fraudrin and finally Galand.

All there, no more and no less.

I walk over and look at them more closely, but what I hear comes as a real shocker.

The thing is in the Anime they are portrait as loyal elite warriors of the Demon King, planning to conquer Britannia in his name, but this... this changes everything!

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