Chapter 8

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The black Dragon roars in defiance, its injured tail sweeps at the white haired knight in a white and black training gi in front of him, hitting him square in the chest. But unlike most the knight didn't even budge.

Knight: Time for you to find your end.

The knight jumps up in the air, evading another sweep of the dragons claws, calling upon his magic to unleash an attack against the great beast. The beast on the other hand opens its maw, a glowing filing its throat as embers start to rise form it.


A bright, light green beam of pure energy comes crashing down on the dragon, origination in the Knights palm and then spreading outwards to engulf an entire person whole. The dragon on the other hand released a terrifyingly big wall of flames, blasting against the beam, holding it back.

The knight struggles a little as the dragon cranks up the heat and starts to push back the beam, so in a last attempt the knight draws upon his reserves putting his all into his attack.

The light green Beam grows brighter by the second and brings the dragons fire to a halt only to then start pushing it back, all the way to the dragons gaping maw as it explodes in a massive release of energy, smashing the dragon into the ground creating a large crater on which's edge the knight lands.

The dragon roars again, this time in pain and defeat before finally, with one last try to snap at the knight which he dodges, falling down and release its last breath.

I was watching the entire scene unfold with great interest and move over to the Knight who steps away from the crater.

Akio: Well done Hendrickson. You have come a long way from scrawny grand master of the Holy Knights of Liones to a slayer of a great beast. You can be very proud of yourself!

The knight now identified as Hendrickson falls on his back staring at the blue, lightly clouded sky whilst taking laboured breaths.

Hendrickson: I... thank you... Akio. Without... your assistance... and support... I never would have... reached this level.

Akio: Maybe, maybe not. Who really knows... But that aside I'm pretty sure you wanna know your current Powerlevel!

He suddenly sits up straight, making me chuckle at his antics. He really is a little childish at heart.

Akio: Your current Powerlevel, in total, is no less than a whopping 39.473, with 13.400 being strength, 18.100 being Magic and the remaining 7.973 in spirit. But keep at it and you gonna reach the 50.000 in no time. We just trained for a week here, but always remember to not use the power I gave you, the power you mastered and polished, your power, for anything less than what your heart tells you is right!

He gives me a respectful bow as a student does to his master, not a subordinate to his superior, a bow that I return.

Akio: Now as for the last step in your training I have this for you.

I take out a Longsword from my inventory, together with his clothes from before beginning the training, but enhanced with sleek plates of armor at the shoulders and lower arms as well as the feet and shins.

The most un-noticeable change though is the invisible enhancements that normally would just ooze of the set as pure magical power. From basic defense enhancements to auto-repair and status effect nullification, but the most important: concealment of power.

Akio: I enhanced it to fit your fighting style of higher mobility and magical attacks over tanking and dealing hits. Add to that a concealment spell to hide not only the magic placed on the set, but also yours to a reasonable amount.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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