➪ 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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A WOMAN'S VOICE COME OUT of the PA, "Attention, all players. The first game is about to begin." I wonder what game is it. The woman on the PA spoke again, "Please follow the staff's instructions. Please make your way towards the game hall."

The masked man lead us to a place, all of us looked around, the place was so colourful and some masked men were standing around. I don't know why, but i couldn't get away from this uneasiness feelings, something's off.

The woman spoke once again, "Please look into the camera. Smile."

The woman repeated, "Please look into the camera." I didn't smile. "Smile." A flash went by, took a picture of my emotionless face.

Everyone was walking on the stairs and it was getting higher by the second. I held onto the sides, not because i afraid of falling down and dying, but i will not let myself die without the money, at least not yet.

Everytime i looked at the masked men, i always caught some of them staring at me, seriously? Did their parents taught them it's rude to stare at people? I either rolled my eyes or just glared at them.

The doors opened, everyone walked into the place. This place was huge, the ground is half sandy, and half hard. I saw an old man looked up and smiled, wait...old man? What people like him doing here? He's too old.

I saw a guard looked at me, then he looked away probably blushing behind that stupid mask, i just rolled my eyes and continued to look around until...

"Hey, Sang-woo!" A familiar voice called out. I looked at the person to see player 456 walked towards the man who never learn to shut up - player 218.

"Oh, Sang-woo, my man!" Player 218 exclaimed. "What happened? What the hell are you doing here?" Player 218 whispered-yelled.

Well, i decided to not be eavesdropped, why do i want anyway? I looked away from them, and again saw a guard staring at me.

I lifted my middle finger at him, and looked away, how annoying.

The woman in the PA spoke, "Attention, all players, after you enter the game hall...please stand behind the white line drawn on the field, and wait further instructions. Once again, will all players please stand behind the white line and wait for further instructions."

We heard the gates clinked and saw the gates closing. Everyone was muttering to each other.

"Hey." I heard a yellow haired guy said to his tall friend, "What's that? Over there." They looked directly ahead.

A freaking creepy huge robot. What looks like a little girl with yellow-orange dress, with two masked men stood on the left and right side of it. "Looks really freaky."

"Damn that thing had a freaking huge head." They giggled.

'The robot is fucking creepy, what so funny about?' I thought.

"Here is the first game. We will be playing Red Light, Green Light." The robot turned its head to face the tree behind it, us facing its back. "You are allowed to move forward when 'it' shouts out, "Green Light," stop when 'it' shouts, "Red Light." If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated." The robot place its arm leaning on the tree. "Let me repeat the rule." The PA woman continued spoke about the rule. I was right behind the tall guy who's friend with the yellow haired guy, damn i had a high chance to win, being ahead of everyone.

"Those players who cross the finish line without being eliminated within the five-minutes playtime will pass this round" What the fuck? It's looks so far away, how could i go to there in time?

"With that, let the game begin." The PA woman said. The robot called out, "Green Light." I walked as fast as i could, just like everyone else. "Red Light." The robot said causing everyone to froze. The robot's head turned towards us, the yellow haired man stumbled a bit, "Player 324, eliminated." The PA woman stated, his friend whispered, "Dumbass got caught."

A gunshot was heard, everyone flinched. The yellow haired guy fell on the floor, i narrowed my eyebrow in confusion, 'What happened?'

The robot turned back its head, facing the tree, "Green Light." I peeked over as the tall guy walked cautiously towards his friend. "Red Light."

"Hey, you got eliminated, idiot." The tall guy teased. "You can stop with the act." Suddenly, the yellow haired guy vomited a spill of blood. What. the. actual. fuck?

The tall guy panicked, looking at the robot's eyes up and down before turning his body facing us.

He ran back to the crowds, what looks like he was running directly towards me. Before he could reach me, a gunshot went out, i looked at him to see he was shot through his chest, his blood splattered all over me, and only me.

In the corner of my eyes, i could see a nearest woman peeked over me and her eyes widened in fear. She screamed loudly, then she was shot straight in her head.

Then everyone gasped, they all screamed and ran towards the door, i heard more gunshots and bodies slumped on the ground, then it ended. The woman on the PA spoke, "I will now repeat the rules."

"You are allowed to move forward when 'it' shouts out, "Green Light" stop when 'it' shouts, "Red Light". If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated. I will repeat the rules again, you are allowed to move forward when 'it' shouts, "Green Light", stop when 'it' shouts, "Red Light". If your movements is detected afterward, you will be eliminated." The robot turned its head. In the corner of my eyes, i could see guards glancing at me worriedly. What the fuck?

"Green Light." The robot said, i walked forwards cautiously, only an old man and me walked, the others just froze. "Red Light." The robot turned its head towards us, eyes darting everywhere. "Green Light." Everyone started to walked cautiously, "Red Light." Everyone froze, i heard a few bangs. "Green Light." It said a bit faster, i started to walked faster. "Red Light." A few gunshots went out, making me flinched slightly.

"Green Light." The voice said even more faster than before, more people shuffling. "Red Light." My eyes looked up to see [02:13]. "Green Light." I walked faster and stopped.

"Red Light." A few gunshots went out. "Green Light." I began to jogged faster, seeing myself in 1st place, ahead of everyone, ha ha. "Red Light." The voice quickened even more, a few gunshots went out again. "Green Light." I shuffled, i was very close! I looked at the timer [01:53]. "Red Light." I stopped, seeing a masked guard ahead of me. I heard two people were talking behind me, is this the right time to have a conversation?!

"Green Light." Then i jumped to the masked guard, while i was clinging into him, i saw someone tried to imitate me by jumping to the other masked guard, only to be pushed off and got shot. I rolled my eyes before rudely pushed the guard off me, i don't like physical contact.

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