Chapter 11

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Idk if it's gore enough but meh, consider it a warning

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Idk if it's gore enough but meh, consider it a warning

I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe the dust off of my face but I can't, I look down to see that I'm all tied up with a rope on a chair, Great, just great, I've been in this situation back in training, so it'll be easy to get out of this.

I look around to see that I'm in a room with other... Kids? Who are these kids? Are they kidnapped too? I look around them to see the cat that told us about her daughter.

Then I spotted a rabbit, wait, is that the rabbit that was with the tall wolf? Did she got caught too? I need to get them out of here, now, I have my pocket knife on my shoe just for this types of situation.

I heard footsteps approaching to the right so I take a look and the door opened seeing a cheetah covered in scars with a pipe in hand, ready to hit me with it, I mean, who else is he gonna hit-


I feel the world around me had flashed and my head's spinning, he hit me once again, dropping to the ground coughing up blood out of my mouth, "Hey! Are you seriously gonna kill a cop?!" I heard a voice say angrily.

"So what? He's a no fur and a cop wannabe" He replied, "If you kill a cop, we'll be having lots of trouble" He says and the cheetah rolled his eyes, "It's fine, I'm just beating him up, that's all" He says kicking me in the stomach.

I coughed up blood some more, in starting to feel like I'm about to pass out, don't pass out, I need to get them out of here, I overheard them saying using their organs to sell them.

I felt my blood boil upon hearing that, I swear they'll never leave this place alive, I look infront of me to see the rabbit trembling in fear holding onto the cat, "Alright, get some info out of this human but if you kill him, I will not hesitate to kill you too" He says before leaving, "Alright Mike" He says to the tiger.

He nods at him before leaving and the cheetah closes the door, He sighs and turns to me picking up the knife, He stabs my leg causing me to scream in pain as he continues pushes it deep then eventually stopped.

"Start talking!"


I wanted to go further but decided to call for backup first, I contacted Anna through the radio for back up and she did then decides to come with too, I wanted to stop her but I can't since she's a higher up.

I sighed and decided to get to the streets where they could see me, I just hope YN is still hanging on, I heard Anna through the radio so I picked it up, "Swat team is coming we'll be there soon" she says.

"Just hurry! We don't know if YN still got time left!" I said impatiently, "I know, we're getting there ASAP" she replied, I grunted and I inspected my weapon, 5 mags, I cocked my gun and put it on my holster.

"I'm not gonna wait anymore, what if YN-" I was cut off when Anna snapped at through the radio, "Don't tell me what will happen to YN! We're already rushing to get there!" Anna snapped making me growl.

Investigator! (Male human x female furry)Where stories live. Discover now