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ByeongHo Highschool.

Hwayoung stood in front of the ByeongHo school. With a nervous step, she walked inside while looking for a way to head to the teacher's room. She bows and gives a smile to the students who pass her. For almost a few minutes, she still could not find the teacher's room.

Hwayoung sighed a little. Suddenly she saw a male student who had just come out of the direction of the side of the alley near her. Hwayoung approached him with a small smile on her lips.

"Excuse me? May I know where the teacher's room is?" ask her.

He looked at her with a fine frown on his forehead. "New student?" he asked.

Hwayoung nodded her head. He grinned at her as he examined Hwayoung's appearance from top to bottom. Hwayoung who felt herself to be the his observer started clearing her throat a little.

"Where's the teacher's room?" Hwayoung asked again.

"Ah ... 3rd floor in building A. You can take the elevator to go there." he pointed a finger at a nearby elevator.

"Thank you. I'll go first." said Hwayoung and walked into the elevator that he said earlier. When the elevator door wanted to close, Hwayoung looked at him who was still standing looking at herself from a distance.

Hwayoung looked the other way. Her eyebrows furrowed strangely. Why is he still looking at me?

Meanwhile, in the boy situation, he remained faithful to see the girl until her involvement disappeared from view. The tip of his lip rose cynically.

"Low class student? Huh ..." he scoffed.

"Yahh Heeseung." rebuked a voice from behind him. Heeseung glanced at Jake who had finished changing into his swimsuit.

"When do you want to change your clothes? You want to start your basketball practice in a moment, right?" said Jake as he straightened his front hair.

"I forgot to bring my shirt from home earlier." Heeseung replied annoyed.


"Do you have more sports clothes?"

Jake nodded. "There. Go find it in my locker. I'll go first. Meet you at the usual place with other members soon." said Jake while patting Heeseung on his shoulder before leaving.


"Yun Hwayoung?"

"Yes Mrs." Hwayoung bowed politely to the teacher in front of her.

"Student from Daeil highschool?" again the female teacher questioned while perusing Hwayoung's personal details file.

"Yes Mrs." Hwayoung replied with a smile.

A teacher named Mrs. Lee nodded understandingly. A few minutes later, she placed the file on her desk. Her eyes returned to Hwayoung.

"Your academic results are good and even in sports activities you get a lot of awards." compliment Mrs. Lee by returning Hwayoung's smile.

Hwayoung grinned slightly. "Thank you Mrs. Lee." she said.

"I will place you in the class which is class 12-1." said Mrs. Lee and Hwayoung nodded in agreement.

"Sunoo-ah." call mrs Lee to a male student who had just entered the teacher’s room space. Sunoo approached them and stood by Hwayoung's side.

"Yes, Mrs. Lee?" about Sunoo with a sweet smile on his lips. Clearly his eyesmiles were visible.

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