October 2, 2021

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I haven't been able to play the past few days and it's been driving me nuts! Just when I thought I would have some free time to practice my song, I was dragged along for a hike. But I will admit I absolutely love hiking and I had fun, even if I did have to carry a purple I Carley backpack.

Afterwards, we went to my parents's house where I had some very amusing conversations with my brother and youngest sister. I even petted every one of my Dad's timid chickens while they perched on the porch. The look on the rooster's face when I petted him was priceless!

Yesterday, after my sister and her husband got off work, we went to the fall festival. There wasn't much, but my oldest niece was very happy to see the chickens that used to be hers when they were babies. I didn't get to play that day either because we were out late.

I got to play today though! My niece stood in my bedroom doorway and pointed at my closet, which is her way of saying she wants to play with my guitar. She loves playing with the picks too, her baby sister was banned from playing with them because she always puts them in the hole. For some reason they lose interest rather quickly, I still can't figure out why. But I decided to play for a minute while they watched their cartoon.

It turns out the third line is the exact same as the first, so all I had to do was memorize the last line, which had thirteen notes. It didn't take long to learn that on either, and in just a minute or two I can now play the entire first verse! I'll practice it for a few more sessions before starting the chorus.

But I have plenty of time. Christmas isn't for another almost three months and I learned the first verse in only three days.

Hmm, maybe I could learn two songs before then. But what should be my second. Preferably another Christmas song. But maybe I shouldn't think of that just yet. Maybe I should just focus on learning this first song before anything else. Like I said, I have plenty of time.

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