December 10, 2021

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I'm definitely having a rough day today. I'm a little sick and although my voice doesn't usually change much when I get sick, today I sound like I swallowed Micky Mouse. The kids won't take me seriously, my cats look at me like I'm an alien, the dogs, well, they never listen anyway. Even my sister's new guinea pigs hid in their house instead of screaming at me for food this morning. It's so frustrating and I really hate this new voice that won't even let me yell!

I didn't have to tell my other sister we can't perform together, she told me. She said she doesn't get time to learn the song and practice singing it because my parents never leave. Last I heard, my parents were never home, learning the lyrics to a song is easy, all you have to do is listen to it a bunch of times, and she doesn't have to practice much because she already has an amazing singing voice. But that's ok, we came to an agreement and Christmas will come next year too.

I did get a chance to play yesterday though. I'm learning Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. It's very easy, and with one more practice session or two, I should be able to play it perfectly.

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