October 4, 2021

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There's just something about playing music. It's like eating ice cream out of the bucket, once you start, it's hard to stop. And when you do finally stop, it stays in the back of your mind because you know it's there. Listening to music tonight just increases that urge to play, a crave for developing my skills.

I learned "wheels on the bus" today, because it's my nieces favorite song right now. Of course she lost interest after the first note. But once I get good enough to sing along with the music I'm playing, she's never going to let me stop, so maybe that's a good thing?

I'm not sure when I'll get my next free time for practicing. Hopefully soon and hopefully it will be a very long alone time. I'm not sure what my fingers are going to end up looking and feeling like, but I can already feel then getting stronger, and it's getting less painful to hold the strings down. I just hope they don't end up looking like my heels.

I can't wait for Christmas, when I can play my song for my family. The whole song, maybe multiple songs non-stop, because I feel like I can play forever. Like I can pick up my guitar and never put it down.

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