September 28, 2021

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I played my song again today, this time I added the second line, which had 10 notes. First, I practiced the second line until I no longer needed the music sheet. Then, I played both lines together. It was a little tricky remembering the second line right after playing the first, but I got it down quickly. Again, I only played for ten minutes! But again, my fingers hurt so I had to stop. It's so frustrating having to stop because my fingers hurt, otherwise I could play all day long. And at the rate I'm going, if I played non-stop all day, I could probably memorize the entire song in just one day.

I was alone in the house again, and for longer than I expected. I cleaned most of the house, read half a book, ate lunch, took the dogs outside a few times throughout all that, and even found something my dog will eat for lunch. Feeding Tiny is hard sometimes because she's old and barely has any teeth. There are a ton of things she can still eat, but she's very picky about what she eats and when.

Most of the day, though, I couldn't pull my thoughts away from my guitar for very long. Once you hear actual music, it's hard to stay away. So later today, I pulled out my guitar and played for another ten minutes. I didn't try to learn the next line, but instead practiced the first two over and over.

So now I can play half of the first verse really well. I can play fast enough to sing along with it in my head, and I barely make the strings buzz. I can't wait until tomorrow so I can play again!

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