Playing House

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"She has the same eye as me??"

The door to Yaga's office was kicked open by his former student, showing up in untimely fashion. After what happened the other night with you, the strongest sorcerer pointed his fury to his former teacher, demanding answer. Knowing Gojo, he has enough means to an end - his persistence and audacious way of speaking almost always results in getting what he wants.

The poor principal sighs, putting down his unfinished doll. 'Not this again...'

"I didn't think she'd tell you so soon," The older man stands up and walks over to a worn down locked chest where he keeps his own classified documents. He dispels some sort of jujutsu barrier he's sealed the chest in and pulls an older looking file out, glancing at the worn down papers within before handing them to Gojo.

Gojo grabs them without a glance. "What the hell Yaga? You didn't think it would be beneficial to tell me- the head of my clan that some girl has a Six Eye?"

Yaga was used to Gojo's disrespect with authority and would have guessed this would be the man's reaction. Your existence as a wielder of a Six eye was kept a secret even to the higher ups including, of course, the Gojo clan. You defied all their knowledge of their ultimate weapon - particularly the fact that no two Six Eye users could exist at the same time.

"When I was an active sorcerer, I responded to a call of a curse attack. When I arrived, the house and everything around it had burned down. She was the only survivor- By the time I found her someone had already taken her eye and replaced it with the Six Eye."

Yaga continued, "She wasn't born with it, Satoru. Someone had planted it on her and wiped most of her memories of her past - that file explains everything I know. I told her to keep it a secret. She was following my orders but it sounds like she defied it once she found out about your eyes." The man pauses then looks at Gojo, "Think about how she feels."

Gojo scoffed. "Says the person who kept her a locked up like some kind of secret this whole time-"

"It's up to her what she wants to do," he replied. "She can choose the path she wants to take. Just read the file Gojo."

Deep pools of blue skim through the surface pages of a medical report:





Gojo reads over the bolded letters of the report, your medical report, and places it down briefly. He's has seen first hand the disaster zones of a curse attack - being a part of so many missions has made him desensitized from it. There's something about this though that hits too close to home. Scattered photographs of the scene and aftermaths of destruction lay on the marbled countertop of his apartment.

He sifts through the report one last time when a tattered old photo falls out out and to the floor. He reaches over to pick it up and turns it over, fingers gripping the edge: it's a photo of you after the incident, frowning with a dull look in each of your eyes. He sees the fresh injuries around your face and is about to put it away but then realizes in that moment,

You're the girl from the pastry shop.

His Six Eyes glance over your face about a thousand times in less than a millisecond before confirming what his heart felt. There isn't a doubt in his mind anymore. His chest heaves in every direction, flooding with emotions from the realization that you are the girl he met so long ago, the kind, beautiful girl who made him smile and feel free- even if it was just for that one fleeting moment. He felt his chest feel lighter, maybe one could call it happiness; that he finally found you after so many years.

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