Too Close

911 36 12

The taste of iron lingered on your lip, the smell of musk and mold swirled in stale air as decayed corpses lurched forward, clawing to get near your body hunched tightly into a fighting stance. It wasn't helpful that the room was pitch black, but your Six Eye was finally starting to prove useful in it's perception and accuracy by expanding your vision immensely.

"I wish I was back in Hawaii," you thought out loud, digging your heels into the pavement as another kick collided with your arms crossed above your head. You weren't entirely sure, but you could've sworn one of these curses were human.

Ever since coming back to Hawaii you haven't seen Gojo. At first you thought he was busy; each time you crossed paths he would have the same cheeky grin, ask you how you were, then be on his way to whatever he was up to that day. But now it seemed like he was starting to avoid you. Even some text you had sent became unanswered. He had ghosted you on Friday night apartment dinner this week, too.

You had begun to feel exhausted at the thought of the mental whip lash that man gave you, how easily it was to pour yourself into his hands, yet be seemingly poured out without after thought. Did he realize what he was doing to you? Was he doing this on purpose?

It didn't help that you overheard a rumor that Satoru Gojo had his way with women. Often, apparently. You overheard this at some teacher meeting where he wasn't there, the gossipers assuming of the thrills he took part in in his overseas missions. It threw your feelings into the pit of your stomach. 

So was what happened back then between the two of you meant nothing?

The curse in front of you lunged out for another attack and despite being distracted by your thoughts you dodged it, following it's exorcism with one of your black flashes. It didn't take long before all that was left was you and one other enemy, the one you registered as part human.

"Now that it's just the two of us... I'll be taking that finger back," You stood up preparing for another attack as you heard a bang, turning your head you saw the door had swung open, bursting the room with light to reveal the sorcerer himself.

Before you could register Gojo entering and where the curse was, you were caught in a large explosion in the curses' direction, blood splattering everywhere and the spray of it cut like glass. You dodged most before. Gojo pulled you into his chest and safely with him behind his Infinity. He waited until the room became quiet again and only the sound of blood dripping remained.

"Are you hurt?" Gojo cupped your face, thumb smearing the blood dripping from your cheek, "I'm sorry I'm late-"

"I'm fine," You pushed him off, swatting his hand away and turning from his gaze. You loved yet hated how comfortable he had gotten physically close to you. 

"Here," He reached behind his neck, slipping out the knot in the back one handed you his blindfold. "Take it for now. You look tired."

You hated how light your chest felt the few seconds after his offer and frowned before tying the dark band of fabric against your Six Eye while he went to scour the room.

Gojo and the rest of the instructors were at the Sister Exchange Event hosted by the school. Since the event was a spectacle and covered by the watchful eyes of the teachers, you decided to patrol the school grounds. At some point during your watch you felt an unusual amount of uneasiness and could sense something ominous within the hidden grounds. Frustrated by the time you arrived, since the guards had already been slain. By now the whole school should have been alerted to the intruders since Gojo had arrived.

"They knew how to get in here," you growled. "They took Sukuna's fingers- the ones I've spent years collecting."

'What are they planning?' Gojo thought. He had been too busy, too distracted with you; he had felt that in the way his mind stilled when he would watch you smile, or the time he spent with his arms wrapped around you in the night. How he whispered your name as you slept, wanting to have your name linger on his tongue a little longer just for the feeling that you were somehow in his possession.

After coming back from the last mission, he gradually became worried and thought he was putting you at risk. 'It's for her sake', he thought, to keep you away and protected as he could admire from afar. Sometimes he would be thankful you were unaware of his watch, because there would be many times he would turn around to just watch you leave. Sigh.

If only that could work.

"Satoru," you calling his name brought him out of his thoughts.

"Yes love?"

You rolled your eyes, ignoring the pet name. "We need to go see Yaga-''

"You can rest, I'll go by myself-"

"What?" You retorted, "Why? I just found off assailants and I'm pretty sure that last one was human," the idea of curse users banding together with curses was uncommon and concerning. Gojo gave a reassuring smile, placing one of his hands on top of your head.

"Don't worry your pretty head. It's best that you rest, I'll let the others know what happened and can take care of the rest-"

Out of sheer frustration from his response you swat his hand off of your head and turned to directly face him. "What the fuck Gojo? You practically ignore me for days and now you're calling me pet names and telling me what to do?" feeling your anger bubble up, you clenched your fists, "What happened? Have you suddenly decided that you're done being friends?"

Gojo clenched his jaw, "It's for your own good-"

"What do you know what's good for me?" Your words sliced through the still air like a sharp blade which echoed the deep chamber.

"I didn't ask you to protect me, I'm not some helpless thing that needs rescuing." you continued, "You're beginning to sound like the same people you hate-"

Gojo was walking away from you before he stopped, he turns quickly and with only a few long strides he is close, gripping your shoulders with a squeeze. He towers above you, posturing almost similar to the first time the two of you met. At that moment you realize how small you are compared to this man; yet do not back down, you stare directly into his cerulean eyes.

"Let's be clear about one thing," a large hand comes up to cup your face, fingers sliding up thumb below your bottom eyelid, surprised at how gentle his touch was against your skin, let he was comforting you and trying to quell your anger. His eyes looked even more deeper pools of blue; instead of a glare, it's a look of understanding and a glimmer of sadness as if something bothers him.

"You have a Six Eye, one of the most powerful weapons to exist in Jujutsu, and yet we don't have any answers as to why. If it wasn't for me, you would've been murdered by my clan. Even Yaga wouldn't be able to stop that. So whether you like it or not- you are a target. You have enemies on the inside and out. If you go down, you're going to take others down with you."

"But-" you try to interrupt but now he's cupping your face with both hands, his lips so close to yours his breath brushes against your skin.

"Listen to me, okay? You have no idea how important you are to me," he smiles, his touch still gentle and lingers ghosting your skin. 

"You don't need to like or love that I'm here: if hating me is going to keep you alive, curse me with all of it. But I'm not going anywhere until you're safe and don't need me anymore."

Your head spins from his words and before you could come up a response the sorcerer warps away, leaving you alone to your thoughts.

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