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AN: IT'S THE HAWAII CHAPTER BBY!!!! ;) ;) ;) Hehehehe
"Where have you been?"

Fatherly as always, Yaga.

After taking some time off to fully adjust to your Six Eye, you received word that the higher ups had assigned you to another overseas mission. Leaning up against the wall, you looked absentmindedly at the Principal - raising his suspicions of your recent whereabouts.

"Sir, I've been training," you smile to yourself, thinking about how, yes, the pancakes and waffles were part of Gojo's "training regime," and how comforting it felt to be doted on by that man. My, how times have changed since your arrival at Jujutsu tech- you'd thought you'd never live to see the day where another person tugs on your heart strings the way Gojo has.

Yaga's grunt brought you out of your thoughts; clearing your throat you answered, "What do you need?"

"Mission. We've located another finger, this time it was found abroad in Hawaii."

For the past few years, Jujutsu tech begun stockpiling Sukuna's fingers; you had collected most of the ones in possession.

"Hawaii?" You snorted. "Did Sukuna decide to go on a vacation?"

"A wealthy Japanese businessman with a hobby of collecting odd taboo objects purchased one of the fingers from the black market," Yaga continued, "He was oversees in Hawaii and recently disappeared. We don't have much other info than that, but we do have a handful of civilian eye witness accounts to a ''monster-like' creature in the area."

"Sure, I'll do it." You replied.

Yaga nodded and proceeded to slide you the incident report before letting you go. "You haven't been covering that eye. Has Gojo taught you anything about the Six Eye's cursed technique?"

"Nope" you chuckled, "He's only given me headaches."

"Typical." Yaga grunted.

Narita airport was bustling as ever; eager travelers passed you by as you sat down near the plane's gate, checking your phone of the time to your departure. You didn't get a chance to see Gojo before the trip because of the quick turn of events, instead, you sent him a text message the night before to let him know of your absence for the next few days.

You were just about to reach for your book in your bag before hearing a familiar voice approach you:


Your jaw dropped. "W-Why are you here!?"

Satoru Gojo stood in front of you; you rolled your eyes at his attire- an unbuttoned at the top loosely fit aloha shirt with black shorts and sandals. He clutched the strap against his chest of a knapsack slung over his shoulder as he waved.

"I'm coming with you!" He grinned.

"What?? Who-"

"I spoke to Yaga and told him about our little agreement," citing his recent plans to place you under his training. "For your safety and training it would be important for me to be there as support."

"Or take a trip to Hawaii..." you muttered.

As the plane started to board you collected your things and made your way to the front desk gate, brandishing your ticket. The flight attendant ushers you through, handing a new ticket in exchange. You furrowed your brows in confusion, "I'm sorry I think this is a mistake-" the ticket had Zone 1, labelled with First Class at the top.

"I bumped us up!" He cheered behind you. You gasped slightly at his response but tried to keep composure as you thanked the flight attendant. When you arrived at your seats, you stood silently in surprise having never travelled with the upper class.

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