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Nothing could have prepared you for the next few days of adjusting to your Six Eye.

Under Gojo's instruction you were to keep both eyes open. The first day felt normal until evening - when your Six eye began to throb. Now, you've had a severe migraines for days, agonized with enough pain to want an enemy's icepick to go through your head to put you out of your misery.

Gojo was off on another mission leaving you to oversee the student's training. Thankfully, he had left Yuji under another sorcerer's supervision and training (Nanami, was it?)

As the pain worsened you began to break out into a fever and struggled to keep food down. "Why does it hurt so much to use this eye," you murmured to yourself now your vision starting to get blurry.

"Sensei, you don't look so well." Megumi walked towards you after sparing with Maki, "We're good here if you want to head to home."

You nodded weakly. "I think I'll do that actually, sorry guys."

Every sense felt like it was blown out; you could see and hear everything- heightened to the point where all of it was just piercing pain. You somehow make it to your apartment but by the time you arrived-you went straight to the sink to vomit before sinking down onto the kitchen floor.

You thought of Gojo: should you call him? You were never the type to ask for help, let alone contact the sorcerer first. He might have come home by now, and he did mention he lived upstairs, but which unit? At least to you, this was beginning to feel like a life threatening condition.

You splashed cold water onto your face, put on some sweatpants and hoodie and headed to the floor above you. Much to your surprise, there was only one door - you could hear soft noises of someone inside. Slumping the side of your body onto the door, you knocked feebly.

"G-gojo..." you breathed, "Are you there...?"

"Y/n! Have you finally come to confess your love for me~?"

When the door opened you stumbled into his chest, clutching at his shirt out of desperation to keep your head from spinning. The familiarity of scent and energy confirmed it was Gojo. You felt him gripped your shoulders, "Y/n, you look terrible. What's wrong?"

"I-It hurts... My eye,"

You shivered as if your body was breaking out into a high fever; head feeling like it was set on fire. Gojo's arms wrapped around your back, pulling you into his apartment as soon as he heard the agony in your voice.

He guided you over to a couch, laying you down across the cushion while he pulled down his blindfold, using his own eyes to scan the outpouring of curse energy your body was creating to manage your Six Eye.

He cursed silently to himself. "Shit. I should've known this would happen to you. Wait here,"

You heard his voice trail away but could only lay there with your chest heaving, having little interest in exploring his home. As he returned, you felt something firm being placed into your hand.

"Here," the sorcerer places a chocolate bar into the palm of your hand. You furrow your eyebrows, mostly in irritation and confusion from the feeling of your brain splitting into two.

He understands this and nods again, ushering you to eat. "It'll help, really."

Your silence and huff of air made him roll his eyes.

"Don't trust me?" He takes the chocolate back and unwraps the bar, breaking a corner off for himself, "See? It's just chocolate."

He cracks a small portion off and presses it onto your lips until you open your mouth. The sugary, cocoa flavor permeated your sense of taste, the sweetness nursing the piercing headache you've had for the last few days. Your sense of taste peaked and your brain flooded with the flavor - invigorating your senses. It was surprisingly soothing.

Gojo leans over and bares his canines to break the chocolate with his teeth. You watch him like a predator enjoying it's prey, but it's just him and his goofy self enjoying sweets. "When I was growing up, I had headaches lot," he reminisced, "I wasn't used to these eyes too. It took a lot out of me and I was always a grumpy kid."

He leaned over and winked at you. "Then one day I realized sugar helped!"

The sugar flooded your brain giving you a moment to rest. You heard water spill into a bowl and feel a cool towel over your forehead, adding more relief to the feverish pain.

"Sorry for bothering you." You murmured.

He beamed. "It's not a bother at all. I'm your teacher now, right?" he ruffles your hair gently, "And teachers take care of their students."

You huffed and rolled your eyes. "Pervert..."

He snickered. "Jokes aside, other than the headaches has anything else changed?"

"Nightmares." You replied blankly. Empty, terrifying dreams and flashes of a faceless enemy had visited you every night; bits and pieces of of your past strung together in your mind when you slept, haunting you even during the day.

"Nightmares, huh..." His voice trails off, he notices how hallowed your eyes looked when you spoke. Gojo looks at you again before placing his chin in the crux of his thumb and index finger. "You can stay here, if you'd like."

"W-What? No I couldn't possibl-" you tried to get up but the fatigue you've accrued in your body finally kept up to you. You could barely move your arms, let along legs.

"You need to get rest and you'll be under my watch." After agreeing to his offer, Gojo pulled your arm up and around his broad shoulders and led you through a hallway and to another room, presumably his bedroom. He had offered you one of his oversized shirts to sleep in and left you to change.

The hem of his shirt felt cool against your bare thighs as your body dipped into his bed. Eventually Gojo returned, wearing nothing but black shorts - making you feel something stir within you before turning away.

"Do you always sleep like this?" His voice suddenly pierces the silence of darkness as the bed dips from him entering the space.

"Yeah, usually. You?"

"Me? Oh, I only sleep naked."

You laugh quietly at his comment, feeling the bed vibrate from his laugh as well. You turned to your side to face him, looking into his crystal blue irises one last time,"Goodnight, Gojo."



"Call me Satoru."

"Goodnight, Satoru." Gojo watches you smile as you fall asleep. You weren't aware of this, but this was probably the first time Gojo's ever slept with a woman and without it leading to anything.  It's been awhile since he's had someone over- he hasn't had a one night stand in awhile, either.

He doesn't think much of it- but his mind starts to focus on the image of you sleeping - how peaceful you begin to look, how long your eyelashes are, thinking about how smooth your lips must feel...

Wait. What is he thinking?

He sighs, the exhale enough to make his shoulders shrug. No; he would never do anything while you're in this weakened state. You're in his protection and he wants to keep you safe; tonight he is your protector. Pressing his face gently onto your head, inhales deeply and smells your sweet scent.

The small movements in your sleep and you mumbled makes him smile. 'She's pretty cute...' he thought. This wasn't the first time he noticed your beauty, the difference was you were right next to him. Giving him all the time he wanted to gaze on your details.

Your mumbling turned to whimpers. He saw your face twist into a frown, your body began to tremble, "N-No, stop..."

'She's having a nightmare,' he wrapped his arms around you tightly from behind. "It's okay, you're safe..." he whispered, stroking your hair as you slept. The expression on your face returned soft again, his words seem to have reached you in your dream state.

"S-Satoru..." you mumbled in your sleep again. His ears perked up from hearing you say his first name. He presses his face into your hair and closes his eyes, falling asleep to the sound of your soft breaths.

Tonight, both of you finally sleep peacefully.

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