Chapter 5: Family Tree Island.

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As Funky, DK and Diddy Spotted The Family Tree Island, They have arrive.

Dk, Funky, and Diddy got off the plane and notice all the tallest trees are quite foggy alot.

"It's really foggy here." Diddy said.

"Eh, don't worry dudes!" Funky said "I pack some flashlights to see us through.".

"Since when did you pack flashlights?" DK asked.

"Just in case of people need some." Funky chuckled.

As each got their own flashlights and turn on. They are headed to the fog.

As they keep walking through the forest, they felt they've been walking around for hours.

"We can't find it anywhere." Diddy whined.

"You folks can keep going." Funky said "I'm gonna find my family tree.".

"Good luck!" DK shouted.

Funky left to find his tree while DK and Diddy keep on focus on track. They knotice the biggest tree they ever seen.

The tree was in so many branches and too many leafs. They were jawdropping to see how big the tree is.

"It's Huge!" Diddy said.

"I feel thay i'm gonna cry." DK wheeping in close to cry of joy.

As they snap out of the huge tree. They knotice the giant black and gold nametag was on top of the branches said 'The Prime Kong Family'.

Diddy went on top dk which he allowed to see the names of kongs. He keep on looking for their names. Diddy spotted his. He has unknowed parents. Diddy felt shocking to see it.

"Nobody... knows who my parents are?" Diddy said.

Diddy felt he was gonna cry. He is holding his tears back.

"You alright lil buddy?" DK asked.

"Yeah..." diddy said clearing his tears out "i'm ok.".

As dk goes back to looking at the kong family tree. He knotice cranky's name. Cranky's name on the nametag was called by "Donkey 'Cranky' Kong".

"Wait... Cranky's full name..." DK said shockly "Donkey Kong?".

As Dk looks who is cranky's son. The picture and nametag are missing and the mate was unknown. The only left was DK's Photo and name tag. Dk has never felt that scares in his life.

"Cranky... is my grandfather?." DK asked himself in shock.

Diddy look each members of the kong family, some are alive, death, and Unknowed.

Then, they knotice a unknowed memeber of the kong member was in between DK and Cranky. And next to it was in unknown kong. Along in between, there was a strange symbol between two unknowed kongs. Two circles and between it was a straight line. It was a divorce symbol.

DK felt shock as ever. As he tries to say something. A familiar voice was behide him

"DONKEY KONG!" Said a voice calling him.

Dk turns around and notice the familiar kong, Cranky Kong.

"Cranky?!" Diddy and DK sad in shocked.

"How did you get here?" Diddy asked.

"I used Wrinkly's old Boat to get here." Cranky said.

"I see." Dk said.

"What are you and diddy doing here?" Cranky asked in anger "and why funky is look a tree?".

"We came here to find our family tree." DK said feeling that he had enough "i want to know the truth!".

"No time!" Cranky said in disapointed "It's time to come home now!".

"It's too late." DK said "We're not leaving untill you tell us the truth. Are you my grandfather? For real?".

Cranky tries to come up with something to make the kongs leave the island, but his attitude change to dissaproval... to Sigh in giving up.

"Ok, i guess you're old enough now to told the truth." Cranky sighed.

Dk and Diddy begin to sit down, listening to cranky's story.

"When i was just around your age... i.. used to be called as Donkey Kong... Donkey kong the 1st!" Cranky explained "I use to be someone, A really Bad guy. Before King K. Rool come along. I was a circus freak. Use for audience to show a little fun. I use to kidnap a woman by the name of Pauline. I was soooo in love of her. But... She has a boyfriend, Jumpman! Who you might know is... Mario. Ugh, i can't stand that name coming out of my mouth. Anyway, i tried to stop jumpman to get out of my way. But he won! I forget that Jumpman... till i had a son. Your Father. Donkey Kong Junior! I move on from pauline and had Mrs Kong. Who you might known as Wrinkly Kong. Since Jumpman returns. He lock me away to stay away from people if i cause any harm. But your father save me and we head off to a new start. After years Past, The great ape war has begin. I was chosen for the war. I refuse junior who want to be with me. I told him it was too dangerous for him. Later, after took a fight against those kremlings. I knotice junior was walking alone. I tried to stop him.... but it was too late, Your Father was gone. But i thought he was. Years past, i notice someone was at the door, it was a baby kong. And that kong was you. Then, i knotice a note, it said 'I never wanted my child, Take care of it. From junior'. I was shocked knotice your father is alive. There is nothing i can't do to find your father. So, i raise you and took care of you. I'm sorry i kept this secret away from you, DK.".

Dk felt shocked even more.

"Dk?" Diddy asked in worried

DK is feeling anger as ever. He started to cause hand slap loud as possible. It close to trip the kongs.

"DK, Snap out of it!" Diddy cried

As DK keeps on hand slap, he feel it to faded to stop it. He started to feel crying as he is. As he stopped, DK spread tears and covering his head.

The kongs get up from the hand slap choas. Cranky begin to walk towards to the crying DK. He put his hand on DK's Head worried.

"I'm so sorry that i had to tell you this DK." Cranky said in guilt.

As cranky keeps comfort to DK, They hear a Strange voice behide him

"So,... you finally tell the truth, huh?" A voice said.

As the kongs turns to see who is speaking.

It showed a big kong, simailar to DK but Bigger than him, has a gray bandama in the neck with a Red letter "J" on it. The hair on head is close simailar to Dk's but with small gray on it.

"WOAH! Another Kong!" Diddy said.

"Is that..." DK said in confused.

"Donkey Kong jr." Cranky said in shock. He felt he was going to cry.

Diddy and Funky looked at the Biggest kong they ever seen. They felt speechless.

Donkey kong jr walks to cranky and DK to see. Cranky almost trip his kness to fell.

"Son... How..." he asked in tear a little bit.

"I ran, Father." Donkey Kong jr explained.

" 'Father?' " Cranky said in Shocked "What happen to 'Pappy'?".

Diddy and Funky tried not to laugh by that. Despite the fact, They're snickering.

"I see you are getting old as ever." Donkey Kong Jr scoffed.

"Don't you dare use that tone of yours, sonny boy!" Cranky said rising his crane.

DK walks to Donkey Kong jr in stare.

"Is this true?" DK asked "Are you really are my Father?".

Donkey Kong Jr was shock a bit to see DK. He took a deep breath in and out to calm.

"Yes, kiddo." Donkey kong jr Said "I am your Father.".

DK felt to see his father's returning. He hugs him in happy cry, but Donkey Kong Jr push him off.

"Eh... I'm Not a Hugger, Son." Donkey Kong jr explained.

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