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It's the first day of school, and new middle schoolers, Liam Jones and Erica Blake were walking towards the bus stop. Neither of them were looking forward to this day, but they both had different emotions about it. Liam was okay, he wasn't freaking out, but Erica, one the other hand, was doing the complete opposite. It was the beginning of fall and the end of summer, and today it was sunny, breezy and leaves were starting to fall slowly from the trees high above them as they were walking. Then, Erica decided to ask, "Are you excited for our first day of middle school?"

Liam looked at her, and he smiled. "Should I be excited?"

"Maybe," Erica replied, shrugging her shoulders. "I know I'm not."

"Why not?" Liam asked when he didn't need to since he already knew what she was going to say.

 "Middle school is really scary. Anna said that middle school is really hard, and I believe it. We're the youngest kids in the school, we're not the cute young kids there, but we're the dorky little kids there. We're most likely going to be picked on a lot by the 7th and 8th graders, mostly the 8th graders since they "rule" the school," she exclaimed, making sarcastic quotation marks with her fingers. "There's going to be hard classes, it's going to be hard to find our classes..."

 "Don't listen to your sister. Everything will be fine," Liam assured her, walking ahead of her.

 "But what if it's not? Why shouldn't I believe her? She's in high school now! She's been through middle school," Erica said, getting more concerned by the second.

 "Erica.. Calm down. I'll be with you. It's okay," Liam assured her as the bus pulled up.

 "But, what if it's not?" Erica asked while they walked towards the bus.

 "It will be. Don't worry." Liam looked up as the bus opened its doors and motioned them to get on. While they were walking, Liam said, "You'll have me. Everything will be fine."

 Erica got on the bus with Liam, and Liam went towards the middle of the bus which is seat 13. Erica clung to Liam's arm as the bus drove away. As the bus drove down the road, Erica stared out Liam's window as some of the other kids got on. "Erica... Calm down. You don't have to be so clingy," he said, trying to pry her arm off his. Erica loosened her grip, but she didn't move her hand. Liam chuckled and continued to look out the window. They started to pass smaller houses, so that's how they knew that they were getting closer to the school. Erica's foot was tapping as Liam's eyes were wandering.

 "Why don't you look nervous?" Erica demanded, looking over Liam. Erica couldn't believe him. How can he not be nervous? This is our first year of middle school, and he's all 'chill' about this? Is it because I'm a girl? Do girls get more nervous than guys? I can't be overreacting about this, can I? No, this is nerve wrecking, but he just doesn't realize it.

"You'll be fine," Liam said, as if he read her thoughts.

 "How can you be so sure?"

 "Have I ever let you down?"

 "Let me down? Why are we talking about letting me down? We're just going to a new stage of school...There's no way you can let me down..."

 "Erica... Everything will be fine," he said, laughing a little. "We will get our schedules, be sent to our classes..."

 "What if we're not in the same class?"

 "Erica... You have more friends than just me. You can still have someone to talk to. Even if we aren't in the same classes... I'll always see you at lunch," he said, smiling down at her.
Liam was a little over 5'5", had dark shiny brown hair that was short, but long enough to ruffle up, he had beautiful brown eyes, had a couple pimples on his face, had tanish skin and had a nice british voice. Liam was originally born in England, but his family got evicted from their house. There was a problem with rent or something like that, Liam never asked his parents why, but all he knew was that they had to move.
Since they got evicted from that house, his parents decided to move to America, but Liam wasn't exactly happy about it at first. Even though he didn't approve of the decision when he was 9, he approves of it now. If he didn't move from England, he would've never met Erica.

Erica and Liam met the day after he settled in his new house. The truck pulled up in the driveway, and guys were bringing things in and out of the house, one box after another. Liam helped bring in some of the lighter boxes which were his boxes, and started to unpack. After he unpacked one of his boxes in his room, he felt like looking outside to see if there were any kids out there his age. That's when he saw her. He saw her riding on her skates from his bedroom window, so he decided to go outside to see how good she could skate from up close. He stepped outside on his porch, and he saw her starting to skate back down the sidewalk towards him. He sat down on his porch and watched her, and he noticed she was in her own little world. She was humming some tune that he wasn't familiar with, and this caused him to be drawn to her.
He smiled to himself as she skated by him. He decided to call out to her to get her attention.
"Hey there," he shouted as he waited for her to stop. "I enjoyed watching you try to break your neck on those shoes with wheels!"
Erica stopped dead in her tracks, and she spun around.
"Who are you?" she asked as Liam laughed and stood up, walking over to her.
"I'm Liam. I just moved in last night. This big vehicle brought the rest of my stuff today. I noticed you having the time of your life out here, and I decided to join in on the fun," he said, smiling.
She giggled and shrugged. "I've been practicing for the past couple weeks... I'm Erica."
"Nice to meet you, Erica."
They spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, talking about their favorite animal, favorite movie, favorite hobby, favorite sport, why Liam moved and how long Erica lived in her house and soon enough they became the bestest of friends.
Erica and Liam walked into the middle school, and Liam could see that Erica was still really nervous. Liam laughed as they walked up to the lady who was passing out schedules and locker combinations. "What's so funny?" Erica asked while they waited to get their things.

 "You. You're so nervous, and it's funny."

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