Face to Face again.

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AJ and her mother followed Bridget downstairs to the kitchen, and when they arrived, they heard yelling. They ran down the hall, and AJ smiled because what she saw was the thing she wanted to see for awhile.
AJ and Adam met eye contact, and just like a romance movie, they ran into each other's arms. It was a sweet moment for everyone but Bridget. Bridget was so angry, everyone was surprised there was no actual smoke coming from her head, but she just glared at her sister when she shared a kiss with Adam.
"So sweet, little miss princess and her loving prince got together again," Bridget said in a disgusted voice.
AJ turned around and smiled. "Bridget, if you actually had a heart to love, you would understand this," AJ said, putting her hand in Adam's. Adam kissed her forehead and looked over at Bridget.
"For your information, I have a boyfriend, too."
"You don't really love him," Erica interrupted.
Bridget snapped her head in Erica's direction. "Who do you think you are telling me who I love or don't love?"
Erica laughed and walked closer to Bridget. "Bridget, sorry to tell you this, but we had a little talk with your boyfriend. What he told us today made it clear that you don't love him like he loved you. Once you guys got serious, you stopped him from seeing his friends? Like, who would be so cruel to do that? Not only that, but you're using him as a hideaway."
"I think you need to leave," Bridget said, gritting her teeth.
Erica looked over at her boyfriend. "Anything you want to say?" Erica saw him nod and walk over to Bridget.
"Bridget...I'm sorry..."
"You are not breaking up with me!" Bridget interrupted.
"Yes I am because these guys and lovely lady," he said, smiling over at Erica which made Liam tense up a little bit. "They made me realize that I'm better. I can get better, and I will. I WILL get myself an education in what I love, and my future definitely won't have you in it if you don't change how you're acting."
Bridget looked disgusted. "How do you expect yourself to get an education if you're in this mess and not smart enough for college?"
"I'll get out of this mess, and I will work it out. I just can't be in this mess because I was having a good life until you came along, but I have a chance to change it. That is what I'm doing today," he said, walking towards the door.
"Where are you going? This is your house."
"I know that, but I'm going to the police."
Bridget ran after him and grabbed his arm. "No, baby, you don't want to do this."
"Yes I do. Bye Bridget," he said, slamming the door behind him.
After he left, everyone gathered behind Bridget which made her turn and gasp. "Guys, I'm sorry."
AJ looked at her mother. "Do you think she deserves to be put away?"
"I do."
AJ smiled back at Bridget. "Too bad, Bridget. You're going to jail today."
"You don't even have evidence on me."
AJ looked at Adam and smiled. "They recorded their talk with your ex-boyfriend, and boy, did he let it all out," AJ said and laughed.
"You didn't," Bridget glared at Adam.
"I'm afraid so, and the cops are on their way."
Bridget was sitting in front of the door, but when she tried to run, Liam was standing right there. "Sorry love, you're not escaping today."
Bridget smiled and started to run her fingers down his arm. "Are you sure you don't want to get out of here?" In the nearest second before Liam could say anything, Bridget was on the ground with Erica towering over her.
"No one gets to touch my boyfriend but me, bitch," Erica nearly screamed. AJ patted her back for comfort as they walked out the door.
When they arrived outside, there was already a cop car outside waiting for Bridget, and a cop ran up to them. "Hey kids, is everyone alright? Is she still in there?"
"Yeah, Erica knocked her out cold," Liam said, wrapping his arm around Erica's shoulders.
The cop smirked and nodded. "Thank you guys. You guys can head off home now," he said and ran inside.
Liam took the recorder out of his clothes and handed it to one of the officers before turning to Erica, saying, "Now they have evidence. Let's go home," Liam said, kissing Erica and walking her to the car.


That night, Adam and AJ sat in AJ's living room having a talk with her parents. Her parents were talking to her about the incident that Bridget was so angry about. "AJ, we're sorry that we didn't tell you sooner, but it would've just caused trouble like of what happened," her mom started to say.
"I understand, but whatever happened to my real parents?"
"Honey, they...they're dead," her father said.
AJ looked at the people that have been there for her ever since her birth, and she smiled the first smile she had ever since she saw Bridget get in that cop car. She jumped up and ran and hugged her parents. "I love you guys," she whispered and pulled away with a tear of happiness rolling down her cheek.
"You still love us?" her mother asked.
"Of course. Yeah, maybe you guys aren't my 'real' parents, but you've been there for me ever since I was born. I couldn't be more grateful. You are my real parents even though it's not through blood, and that will never change."
Her parents exchanged looks, and soon enough, it was a group hug. Everyone laughed and AJ looked back at Adam, who was already looking at her, smiling. She smiled back and walked to him, took his hands and pulled him up into a hug.
"I love you," Adam whispered in her ear.
"I love you, too."
"Let's knock of this feminine stuff. Let's order a pizza!" AJ's dad exclaimed, clapping his hands while he reached in his pocket for his phone.
They all laughed and nodded. AJ and Adam started chanting, "Pizza! Pizza!"
"Come on, boy. You're riding with me. They should have it done by the time we get there," Mr. Jones said as he pulled Adam with him.
Adam looked back at AJ for help, but she just shrugged. "Sorry baby."
He mouthed, "I'll get you back," which caused AJ and her mother to laugh. Once they were gone, her mother turned to her.
"Thank you for forgiving us."
"I could never stay mad at my parents. I just wish Bridget could've been more understanding."
"Me too. I really didn't think I was going to lose her to all of this. I never would've seen this coming."
"I know, Mom. But, she's out of our lives now. She's away, and hopefully she stays there for a long time."
"I just hope she won't be this way forever."
"Me either."
"At least, I still have one good child on my hands," her mother said, patting her shoulder.
She smiled. "Yes, you do. It will stay that way."
After a lot of talking, they headed towards the kitchen to start to grab paper plates for the pizza, knowing her dad, he probably bought cheesy bread too. Her mother handed her the plates as she grabbed the napkins. While walking toward the table, her mother asked, "Are you and Adam back together?"
Looking at her and setting the plates down, she said, "I think so. If not right now, we will be soon."
"I was hoping."
"Why Mom?"
"After all of this? If he didn't care about you like that, he's a hell of a good friend. He got involved in all of this to get you back. He was always by your side, making sure you were alright, and if you weren't, he would've made sure he could make it better. With all his heart, he cares about you. I don't think that will ever go away."
AJ smiled. "Thanks."
"Just being my mom and caring for me. I don't know where I would be without your guidance."
Rubbing her back, her mother smiled, "You're welcome, honey. Wanna watch some TV until the boys get back?"
"I could never reject that offer."

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