1 year later.....

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**1 year later**

"Does everyone understand the assignment?" Erica's math teacher asked everyone in the class. Everyone murmured "yeah" even if they really meant it or not. The teacher dismissed everyone, and as everyone was making their way out of the room, Erica's math teacher called her name.
Erica turned around and walked back to her.

"Yes, Mrs. Margins?" she said, smiling sweetly as she tried not to laugh at the sound of her name.

"Are you doing okay in class? I noticed that you were looking a little frustrated at your work when you were working."

 "Yeah. I'm doing fine, but I just didn't get one thing on the homework."

 "Oh okay. Well, if you have any questions come and ask me."

 "Thanks," Erica said, walking out of the classroom as the next class started coming in. She took a deep breath as she started walking to her next class that she had with Liam. She walked into the classroom, and before anyone could pay any attention she just showed up, she walked straight to her seat in the back of the classroom.

 She had to sit by a black haired boy named Luke. Luke was the same height as Liam, but his skin was lighter, he had blue eyes and he was very shy. Luke didn't seem to pay attention to the fact that she just got there, so Erica just got her notebook out and waited for the teacher's instructions. She looked up and saw Liam looking at her with a smirk on his face.
She rolled her eyes and rested her head on her hand with a bored expression on her face.

When Erica was about to walk in the house, Liam ran up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Erica turned around and said, "What do you want?"

 "Oh. Is that how it's going to be?"

 "Liam, come on. I have homework to do."

 "You've been acting weird all day today. What's up?"

 "Nothing is 'up'. I just don't feel good."

 "Are you sure?"

 She quickly nodded and started walking the rest of the way to the house while Liam followed close behind her. "Are you going to do the science homework?" Liam asked.

 "I already did it. I only have math to do," she said as she opened her door. She turned around and asked, "Why weren't you on the bus?"

 "What are you talking about?"

 "You didn't get off the bus with me."

 "Oh, well, I was walking home with somebody."



 All she could do was stare at him. "What?"


 "The Briana in science class, the Briana I used to be friends with in 6th grade?" she asked, growing more furious as seconds went by.

 "That's the one," Liam said, a little embarrassed.

 Erica took a deep breath and decided to ask, "Why were you walking home with her?"

 He smirked. "Last time I checked, you weren't my girlfriend. You don't need to know why I was walking home with her."

 She crossed her arms and glared at him. "Liam..."

 "Okay, okay! I was walking home with her because...she asked me to. She wanted to talk to me alone."

 "I don't even want to know," Erica said, starting to close the door, but Liam's foot stopped it.
"Are you mad me?"

 "Nothing to be mad about. You're right. You can walk home with anyone you want to," she said, starting to grit her teeth. She shut the door quickly before Liam could stop it, and she headed upstairs to her room. Before she had a chance to close her bedroom door, her mom called for her, so she turned back around and ran back downstairs.

 "Yes, Mom?" she asked, half-heartedly.

 "How was school today? Are you feeling okay?" Erica has been feeling sick for the past few days, and it was starting to get worse. However, she was fighting it so she didn't have to miss a day of school without Liam.

 "I'm fine. I was better than I was yesterday, but I have a math paper to do..." Erica said, taking a couple steps back.

 "Will you be okay enough to go to school tomorrow? You look pretty pale."

 "I should. After homework, I'll be back down to do the dishes," she said, starting to walk back upstairs.

 "Don't worry about it. I'll do them today. You just do your homework and rest."

 Erica was shocked at first. The only time her mom offered to do the dishes was when Erica couldn't get out of bed. This wasn't the case, but Erica wouldn't complain. Erica ran upstairs, and she laid on her bed while getting her math papers and notebook out of her book bag. Math wasn't her best subject, and it was obvious. Midterms were coming up in a couple weeks, and she didn't want to disappoint her parents. She had to really try hard or she was going to get a C or worse, and she didn't want that.

 She started reading the first problem. It was a story problem, and those were the worst problems that Erica had trouble with. Uh... I don't know how to do this, she thought to herself. Maybe I can ask my dad to help me when he gets home...

Erica's dad worked during the week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00. It was 3:30 now, so Erica decided to wait until her dad got home. She set the work aside, and she got out her phone as she laid down on her bed. She sighed as she saw 2 missed calls from Liam and 4 messages. She ignored the calls, but she looked at the messages..

Are you okay?
Do you want to hang out?
I'm sorry.

 All the messages were 3 minutes apart. She rubbed her forehead and sent him a message. Hey. I'm fine, I told you I'm sick.

 She sighed and closed her eyes. She thought she heard her phone start playing 'I Want It That Way' by the Backstreet Boys, which was her ringtone to let her know someone's calling, but she dozed off before she could answer it.

 Liam was sitting on his porch when he finally got a message from Erica. Once he read it, he dialed her number, and he waited eagerly for her to answer. When she didn't answer, he turned his phone off and frowned. He thought she was probably ignoring him. Should I go to her house and see what's up? Is she really that mad at me. Before he could answer any of these questions, he saw Erica's Dad pull up, but he got confused since he wasn't supposed to be home until 4.

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