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"Look at what we have here?" someone behind them said.
Erica jumped away from Liam and turned around to see someone she hasn't talked to in 2 years.
"Rick," she said, gritting her teeth.
"Hey sweetheart. Is this the reason you broke up with me? For this douchebag?" Rick said, smirking. Rick had been graduated from school for a year now, and all he succeeded in was doing drugs and cheating on his girlfriends.
Erica stood up straight and glared at him. "I broke up with you 2 years ago! Technically, you broke up with me. You were talking to Brad, and you were like 'I can break up with her. I can do it and I won't be sad at all'. Remember that, Rick?"
Rick chuckled evilly and smiled. "Yes I do. You were talking to this kid anyways, so why did it matter that I broke your heart? You broke mine by talking to him behind my back!" Rick said, walking towards Erica.
"Stay away from me! We've been done for awhile and..." Erica took a couple sniffs in the air and looked at Rick.
"You've-You've been smoking fucking weed! You are high! You don't even know what you're talking about."
"Oh, I know what I'm talking about. I'm just standing up to your bitch ass like I should've done years ago."
"Okay, that's enough!" Liam screamed, stepping in front of Erica. "You need to take your high ass back to your mommy and don't come back here."
Rick looked at Liam closely and nodded. "You sound pretty funny dude. You actually think I'm going to listen to you? I didn't even listen to your little girlfriend when she told me to slow down when I was riding her," Rick said, laughing.
Erica's eyes got wide and she growled under her breath. "You bastard," she said as she tackled him to the ground. Everyone was surprised, and so was Erica. She didn't know what had gotten into her, but all she knew is that she was going to teach this guy a lesson.
"Erica. Stop!" Liam yelled as he tried to pull her off Rick.
Erica punched him one more time before stepping away into Liam's protective arms. Erica was shaking in his arms because she was so angry. "It's okay," he whispered in her ear.
She took a couple deep breaths to calm herself down. "You better tell your buddy what happened here when he's not high anymore," Erica told the guys that came with Rick.
They nodded quickly with fear in their eyes, and Erica grabbed Liam's arm.
"Let's go."
Liam nodded and let Erica drag him away from the scene. She turned around, her blonde hair blowing in the wind as she saw Rick trying to stand up. "I have a lot of catching up to do, don't I?" Liam asked as he was getting pulled along.
"You sure do."


"When did you even meet that guy?" Liam asked her when they were alone in her room.
"It was the summer after you left. Taylor, AJ and I went to the park and we noticed him and this guy named Brad playing basketball. Bradley was there, also. The guys were playing basketball and everything, then I went to talk to Rick. We hit it off, and we started hanging out more. It came to the point where we decided to go out. Long story short, we break up because he was acting all big and bad that he could break up with me and not be affected at all. I wanted to see if he was really the bad guy he really was, so I broke up with him."
"It's been 2 years since you guys have ever talked?"
"Yeah, it has. Which is why I don't get why he came after us today. I have had like...5 boyfriends since him and he has never shown any sign of anger or jealousy. Maybe it was because he was high, but I don't know."
Liam nodded. "Who was the guy that was trying to flirt with you the day you first saw me...A few days ago."
"His name is Caleb Jones. He's AJ's cousin."
"AJ's cousin? I never knew that she had any cousins."
"Me either until I dated him."
"So, everyone you date is trying to get you back?"
"Exactly. Well, only those two actually."
"Don't forget that you have another one trying to get back with you," Liam said, smiling.
"Nah, I wouldn't add you to the list," Erica said, smirking.
"Why not?" Liam asked, scooting closer to her.
"There's a difference between you and them."
"Which is?"
Erica looked up at him and smiled. "I'm actually going to get back with you," Erica said, smiling.
"Oh. I thought it was I was way better looking than them."
"That too."
Liam chuckled and looked at Erica. "I'm sorry, Erica."
Erica's smiled faded. "For what?"
"For not being there for you."
Erica smiled and shrugged.
"I promise that I will never leave you ever again."
"You don't have to say that."
"Yes I do," Liam said, grabbing Erica's hand.
Erica looked at their hands as he continued. "You are the most important person in my life, and I never want to see you get hurt again. It wasn't right that I left, and I wish I had a say in it back then."
"Liam, it's okay."
"I wish it was," Liam said, standing up and releasing her hand. He walked over to her window, and he looked out of it.
"I hated myself because I left you. As soon as I sat my ass in that car, I cried. I felt like such a wuss, but I admit it. I cried because of you...because I loved you. I know I was only 14, but I had a feeling that I would've never gotten over you. I was right," Liam said, still looking out the window.
Erica was silent.
Liam turned around and looked at her with tears swelling up in his eyes. "Erica... Go out with me. Let's try being together again, and this time let's see if it's real love."
Erica laughed and smiled. "Oh, but Liam?"
"What we had was real love, but it was kid love. Yes, we were only kids, but we had a connection."
Liam smiled and sat next to her again. "I know that, so what do you say?"
"Of course I'll go out with you. How could I not?"
Liam kissed her forehead. "Thank you, love."
"You're welcome. Liam?"
"You were right."
Liam looked at her with amusement. "What do you mean?"
"Before you left me, you said that 'this won't be forever,' so I was supposed to expect you back someday. Thank you for coming back."
"How couldn't I? I would've never been able to live without you."
"You had all those California babes."
"Trust me, they're not that great."
Liam smiled and kissed her cheek. "I mean it. No one can compare to you."
Liam stood up and walked to her door to look at one of her poster that she hung up. Erica noticed that he was 5'11, had short but slicked up in the front brown hair, brown eyes, was skinny and muscular and he still looked the best in a hoodie.
Liam smiled at her. "Admiring my good looks?"
Erica laughed and blushed slightly. Before she could say anything, her phone started ringing. She sighed and grabbed her phone.
"Erica, thank god!"
"Taylor? What's wrong?"
"Hurry, it's AJ."
"What? What's happening?"
"Her mom just called an ambulance. Oh god! I hope she's okay. Erica just come to the hospital. I'll explain everything."
Taylor hung up, and Erica jumped off her bed. "Erica?" Liam said.
"Liam! You can drive, right?
"Yeah. My car is out in front, but..."
"Good, let's go."
"Erica...What's going on?"
"I don't know. Taylor called me, and something is wrong with AJ. I don't know!"
Liam sighed and didn't ask anymore questions. He grabbed his car keys, rushing to the car. This was the fasted he moved in his whole life, and he had to join track. He jumped in the car, started it up and sped out of Erica's driveway.
What's happening? AJ has to be okay, she just has to be.... 

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