1 month gone....

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One month of 8th grade has gone by already, and Erica and Liam were definitely noticing it. They only had 3 months together, but they never mentioned it to each other because they both knew what was going to happen. Instead of dwelling on the little time they have together, they're decided to enjoy the only time they have until Christmas. They were walking to the bus after the bell rang, and Liam decided to talk about school to get his mind off of the fact that is was already the end of September.
"How did you do on that science test?"
"That was hard! I got a C on that thing!"
"Really? I got an A. I missed that one question though. Do you know how that's going to affect my grade?" he teased Erica while telling the truth about the A part. He looked over at Erica before getting on the bus, and he laughed because she just glared at him. They got on the bus and they sat in seat 7 like they usually did, and Erica punched Liam in the stomach. It wasn't so hard it would hurt him, but it still got his attention.
"What was that for?"
"For complaining about an A."
He laughed and looked out the window. "Hey...I have to keep my grades up if I want to stay in football and basketball."
"I have to keep my grades up if I want to be a cheerleader and basketball player."
"I love that you're in sports."
"I don't know...It's just something about sporty girls."
Erica shrugged and waited for the rest of the kids to get on before they left. "I'm so glad it's Friday."
"Me too. We can see each other more than just in Science and History."
Erica smiled as the bus started to drive away from the school. Erica was planning on hanging out with Taylor and Bradley this weekend with Liam. They knew about Liam moving, so they wanted to spend as much time with him as Erica did. Everyone was going to miss him. Liam was good to everyone. He was the nice guy in the school, so he was liked by everyone. While the rest of the "jocks," or popular guys teased or made fun of the girls that weren't the skinniest, Liam would talk to them, so they wouldn't feel like they were completely worthless.
The bigger girls are the ones that get bullied the most, but sometimes even skinny girls do, too. I guess it all depends. Anyways, they were all going to hang out this weekend, and they were going to plan on going bowling with Erica's parents. They wanted Erica's parents to come because if they didn't, they wouldn't have any money to pay for anything.
Erica and Liam walked from the bus stop straight to Erica's house. They were going bowling on Saturday, so tonight Taylor and Bradley were coming to Erica's house for a sleepover. At first, Erica's mom was hesitant with the idea because of the boys and girls staying in the same room together. Of course her mom has to be protective like that, but it's a good thing she is on the other hand. Anyways, Erica had to convince her mom that the boys would sleep in the living room or the boys could sleep in her room while her and Taylor slept with Erica's sister.
The only way Erica could've convinced her was to agree to let her sister Anna watch them. She didn't have to 'baby-sit' them, but she had to check on them. Erica was willing to do it if it meant that her and Liam got to stay the night together. She agreed. She was annoyed about the compromise, but it was worth it for Liam.
"Are you excited for this weekend?" Liam asked her as they walked up her porch steps.
"Yeah, it's going to be fun. Especially since this is only my 1st or 2nd time going bowling."
"When was your first?"
"I was little, but I think it was when you were gone one of the weekends we just became friends."
Liam looked at her for a long time then shrugged. "I don't remember anything from back then except when we first met."
"Of course you remember that."
"Do you want me to forget it?"
"No I don't." They were in Erica's kitchen now, and Erica was thinking about grabbing a bag of chips even though she was trying to lay off the junk food.
"What ever happened to your diet?"
"It's not a diet. I'm just trying not to become fat."
"You'll never become fat."
"Whatever you say Liam."
"I'm serious."
"Can I just eat my chips and we can get on with our lives?"
"I'm not stopping you."
"Thank you," Erica said, grabbing a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos.
"You're going to have to share those."
"Just get your own bag."
"Really? You're going to make me do that?"
"Liam. Just grab a bag and help me take my stuff to my room," Erica said, setting her bag down as she opened her bag of chips.
Liam smiled and shook his head as he grabbed himself a bag of chips. I'm really going to miss this girl, Liam thought to himself as he turned around and headed towards Erica.

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