Oh My God!

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**2 years later***

"What did you get for #5?" Caleb whispered to Erica.
"C," Erica replied, rolling her eyes.
Caleb and Erica have been broken up for a year now, she had a couple other boyfriends since she broke up with Caleb, but she was actually single at the moment. She has calmed down with the hard to get type, and she has settled down. Her and Caleb were still good friends because Caleb still liked her, but Erica wasn't in the mood to date anyone right now. She has been single for a month now, and she wanted to keep it like that.
"What are you doing this weekend?" Caleb whispered to her.
Erica rolled her eyes and sighed. "Nothing, why?"
"I wanted to hang out this weekend."
"If we ever hang out, it's going to be as friends and nothing else."
"As long as we hang out, I don't care what you label us."
Erica sighed and put her papers in her binder. They were leaving in 5 minutes, and the teacher usually gave them free time once they were done with their work. Their teacher really didn't care what they did, but they weren't allowed to disturb others that were working. Caleb stood up, and he sat on her desk.
"I heard that you have been single for a month now."
"Yeah. And?"
"Nothing," he said, smoothing his shirt out.
Erica rolled her eyes. "Is there a reason you're sitting on my desk?"
"Not really. I just don't feel like sitting on your lap at the moment."
"And you will never sit on my lap."
"We'll see."
"Excuse me?"
"I'll win you back."
"You wish, Mr. Know It All."
Caleb smirked, and he stood up and walked out of the classroom. Erica rolled her eyes before standing up as she waited for the teacher to dismiss them. When they were dismissed, Erica was the last one to leave, but she really didn't mind. She was pretty....depressed lately. For some reason she never felt in the mood to flirt with anyone anymore. She felt like she was losing her dating game.
She walked out of the school that day to walk home with Taylor. Taylor was out there waiting with Brad, and Erica laughed.
"I thought you guys broke up like...Last year."
"We did, but after dating other people..."
"You guys are back together?"
"Hell yeah! I couldn't go out any longer without her," Brad said, wrapping his arm around Taylor's waist. Taylor smiled and looked at Erica.
"Are you ready?"
"Yeah," Erica said, walking with them.
While they were walking, Taylor and Brad started chatting up a storm, and Erica just stayed back in her own thoughts. She kept thinking about Caleb. He's getting so annoying. He really thinks I'm actually going back to him. Right... I would never go back to him. He's a player, and I don't need that right now or ever. I need to focus on school and getting out of here. I need to move on from this place and enjoy life. I need to explore the great things of life....
"Erica? Erica?"
Erica snapped her head towards Taylor. "Yeah?"
"Are you okay? You look a little sad over there."
"I'm not sad. I'm just annoyed."
"What about him?"
"He's trying to get back with me, and it's pissing me off."
"Do you want me to take care of him?" Brad asked, laughing.
"Please. You couldn't hurt a fly," Erica said.
"You think? I knocked Rick's lights out a few weeks ago."
"Why would you do that?" Taylor asked.
"He pissed me off. He cheated on ANOTHER girlfriend."
"He's a cheater now?" Erica asked not surprised.
"Yeah. After you guys broke up, it's been horrible."
"Oh my god."
"Yeah. I'm done with him."
"I can't believe he would hurt girls like that," Taylor said.
"Why do you think I broke up with you instead of cheating? Cheating hurts a girl way worse than breaking up with her."
"I agree," Erica said.
Brad nodded and sighed as he wrapped his arm around Taylor's shoulders as they continued to walk. Erica sighed and held herself as the wind started to pick up.

I hope Liam is warm in California....


Erica was a little happier today because she realized that they only had one more month of school until they were out of school for summer. She walked into school that morning with a big smile on her face, and everyone was noticing it.
"I'm so glad you're happier today," Caleb said, walking towards her from the breakfast room.
"I am happier today."
"Why are you so happy today?"
"We have one more month of school! I'll be done with my second to last year of school. Don't you think that's exciting?"
"I do," Caleb said, smiling as he slipped his arm around Erica's waist.
Erica laughed and sighed. "Caleb...Oh sweet Caleb," Erica said, grabbing his arm and putting it back to his side.
"You can touch me all you want, but just know that we are NOT getting back together. Kay'?" Erica said, smiling a devious smile.
He slowly nodded and smiled a little bit. "Sorry, but I can still touch you?" Caleb said, looking Erica up and down.
Before Erica could say anything, someone interrupted them by saying, "Not when I'm around."
Erica turned around quickly and gasped. "Oh my god! Is that really you?"
He smiled and nodded. "It's me, Erica."
Erica smiled and ran, jumping into Liam's arms. "I can't believe you came back."
"I told you I would come back," he said, not letting go of her. "I promised that that goodbye wouldn't be forever."
She let herself down, not leaving his arms. "I never thought I would be here with you again."
"Well, here I am, and I'm never leaving again."
Erica smiled and hugged him again.


"When did you come back?" Erica asked Liam as they walked out of school that day.
"A couple days ago. While I was in California, I secretly got a job to save up money to come back here and buy a car. I'm staying with Bradley right now, but when I turn 18 this summer, I'm buying myself a house after I get another job," Liam explained.
"Wow. Why did you do all that?" Erica asked, surprised.
They continued to walk, and Liam smiled. "Isn't it obvious? I missed my best friend," Liam said, looking at Erica who was already looking at him.
"I missed you, too. A lot. Even ask Taylor and AJ."
"I don't need to."
Erica smiled and noticed that Liam was wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt that showed his arms. She noticed that he has earned himself some strong arms that had big biceps.
"It looks like you've been working out."
"Oh, you noticed," Liam said, smirking.
Erica laughed and shrugged. Liam laughed, and he picked her up and swung her on his back. Erica yelped and looked at him.
"Get comfortable. It's a long walk to your house."
"My house? Why would you want to go to my house?"
"I bet your parents missed me."
Erica laughed and kissed his cheek which surprised him. "They didn't miss you as much as me," Erica said, tightening her grip around Liam's neck.
Liam smiled. "I know."
Erica buried her facing in his shoulder as he walked. "They're going to be surprised. That's for sure."


"He's back? Wow, I didn't even notice him."
"I know. He's looking good though," Erica said, as she laughed over the phone with Taylor.
"I bet he doesn't look as good as Brad."
"Trust me. Liam already won that battle."
"As if."
"Have you seen him yet?"
"Well, we'll see. Have you talked to AJ lately?"
"No I haven't. Why?"
"Her and Adam broke up a month ago, and she hasn't spoken to me since."
"Same here, but I didn't even know they broke up."
"Yeah, they broke up because Adam said 'there was no spark between them.' I just think he wanted to be with another girl, but he didn't want to say that specifically."
"Wow. Poor AJ."
"Yeah. I hope she'll be okay."
"Me too. Adam was her 2nd boyfriend, right?"
"I think so."
"That's horrible. Well, I'll talk to you later. My parents want to talk to me."
"Alright. Talk to you later, Erica."
"See ya."
Erica hung up the phone, and she sighed. She walked downstairs, and saw that Liam was sitting with her parents at the dining room table.
"Liam? What are you doing here?"
"I-I was just talking to your parents about....Ice cream."
"Ice cream?"
"Yeah, I wanted to catch up with them by going out for ice cream."
Erica crossed her arms and nodded. "What did you guys say?" Erica asked her parents.
Her parents looked at each other and shrugged. "We said that we would be delighted to go."
"Right. Well, when is this happening?"
"Tonight," Liam answered quickly.
"Why tonight?"
"We have some talking to do."
Erica rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever. Well, I'm going for a walk then," Erica said, grabbing her shoes.
"You never go for walks," her dad said.
"I'm starting now," Erica said, slipping her shoes on and walking towards the door.
"Can I join you?" Liam asked.
"I thought you guys were going out for ice cream."
"That's later."
Erica sighed. "Fine, let's go."
Liam smiled and followed her out of the door. When the door closed behind them, and they were out of her parents sight, she punched him.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"For lying to me."
"What did I lie about?"
"Going out for 'ice cream.' My mom never goes out to eat ice cream in public."
"Fine... I may or may not be moving in your house."
"What?" Erica asked, surprised.
"I'm moving in with you until I turn 18."
"My parents are actually going to let you do that?"
"Nothing. I just thought that you happy staying with Bradley."
"That guy has changed...A lot. I don't even know him anymore."
"And I'm just the same girl you saw 3 or 4 years ago?"
"No, you're not. You are more beautiful, sweet and funny than I remembered."
"You are such a suck up," Erica said, laughing.
Liam smiled and shook his head. "I'm speaking the truth," Liam said, grabbing Erica's arm gently.
They stopped walking, and Erica look at him. "Erica...You drove me crazy when I left. I mean... I thought about you continuously. When I thought I was in love with another girl when I was in California, it wasn't her I was in love with. The only reason I thought I was in love with her was because she looked and acted like... You. Erica, I never thought I would've fallen for you, but I did. I fell in love with my best friend, and from where I'm standing, I think you're feeling the same way," Liam confessed.
Erica gulped and took a deep breath. Erica looked at him and smiled. She nodded. "Yes, I do feel the same way. All the guys I dated was just a distraction from you. I could never get you off my mind no matter how hard I tried."
Liam smiled, and he grabbed her arms and wrapped them around him. He had his arms around her waist, and it looked like they were involved in a slow dance. They were looking in each other's eyes and smiling.
"Liam, I..." Erica trailed off.

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