Liam moves in

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Liam packed up all his stuff that night, and he walked out of Bradley's house. Bradley doesn't know that he's moving in with Erica since he was at a party at one of his girlfriend's house. When he originally moved in with Bradley, he only brought a bag full of clothes and things to wash himself when he needed to take a shower, so there wasn't much to carry to his car.
He walked out of Bradley's house happy because he wouldn't have to witness anything else that would happen in that house. He would be with Erica and her family, and he knew that they wouldn't do anything....Personal or romantic in front of him...Especially without clothes....

Erica checked her phone eagerly for the time. She has done this 3 times in the last minute, but she was so excited for Liam to come over. He comes over everyday but now he will stay here and never leave. (Unless she kicked him out, of course.) Erica was downstairs with her parents, but they were hardly paying any attention to her.
Well, Erica thought so until she heard her dad say something.
"Erica. You have at least 10 minutes until he makes it here."
"How do you know that?" Erica asked him unsure that he was actually right.
"He called me before you came down here, and he told me that he was just leaving. Also, he said that it takes him at least 10 minutes to get here from the other place he was staying."
Erica sighed and looked out the window.
"It's OK. He'll be here soon. Take a deep breath and sit down," her dad said calmly.
Erica rolled her eyes, and she took a seat on the couch. She got on her phone, and she called Liam. The phone ringed a few times, but he still picked up the phone.
"Hey? Are you on your way?"
"Yeah, I should be there, 7 minutes. Why?"
"I'm just wondering." Erica smiled as she heard her dad say, "Because she loves you!"
Erica groaned and glared at her dad. "Dad! Shut up."
Liam laughed and sighed. "Hey Erica, I have to go. I don't like talking on the phone when I'm driving. I'll see you soon."
"Okay, see you soon," Erica said, hanging up and smiling.
"I smell love in the air," Erica's mom said, laughing.
"Mom, stop."
"It's cute though! My baby found herself a nice boy that won't cheat on her..."
Erica looked at her mom with a surprised look on her face. "How do you know I had boyfriends that cheated on me?"
"Liam loves to talk about you."
Erica rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't know why I even talk to him."
"Because you love him."
"Dad! I thought you were supposed to be protective and keep me away from boys."
"Oh, I am. I just trust Liam."
"Really?" Erica asked, surprised.
"Of course. I know he wouldn't hurt you. I saw you guys together when you were kids, and I see you guys together now. Nothing has changed. You guys are still really good friends, and if you guys ever date, I can trust him not to hurt you in any way."
"Mostly because Liam already asked your dad to date you," Erica's mom added which caused Erica to take a double take.


Adam woke up that morning with excitement and fear. He was going to see AJ today, and it was supposed to be her last day in the hospital. She has already been in there for a week, and Adam has missed her like crazy. Even though he has seen her all week, it has only been for 20 minutes at the most, and the most words he got out of her was, "Don't worry about me."
Adam didn't know what that meant at the time, but obviously it meant 'no matter what happens, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.' Adam has prayed every night after he came home from the hospital because he was so desperate for AJ to get better. The fact that he prayed is very surprising because he doesn't have anyone in his family that are religious like that, but he was that desperate.
He believes in God and everything, but he has never prayed before, so this was a new experience for him.
Adam walked downstairs after getting dressed. He grabbed a couple pop tarts, his water bottle and headed out the door.
God, please let AJ come home today.


"Your daughter is extremely lucky. You know that, right?" the doctor asked Mrs. Jones.
"Yes, I know this. I'm just so disappointed that my own daughter did this to her. I don't know what has gotten into her," Mrs. Jones said, shaking her head.
"I understand, Mrs. Jones. I just hope someone catches her and gives her the punishment she deserves. I'm sorry to say that about your daughter, but what she did to your daughter and her boyfriend was just..."
"I agree, Doctor. I totally agree."
"You do?"
"Yes. I am extremely angry with Bridget, but I don't know what to do. I didn't know that she was like that, and I didn't know she was capable of doing that."
The doctor nodded. "I see. Well, we can only hope for the best."
Mrs. Jones looked at her daughter who was sitting up in her hospital bed. "I'm so glad she's okay. I don't know what I would've done if I would've lost her."
"Yes. I'm glad we were able to save her."
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome."
Mrs. Jones smiled, and she twisted the doorknob and walked in. She sat in front of her daughter in a chair available in the hospital room.
"Hey Mom," AJ said.
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"
"Better than I thought. Do I get to go home today?"
"Yes, you do. Are you excited?"
"Of course I am, Mom. Where's Adam?"
"I'm not sure, honey."
"Is he coming?"
"I'm pretty sure."
"Hopefully," AJ said, yawning.
"Are you tired?"
"A little bit. I only got 5 hours of sleep last night."
"You couldn't sleep?" Mrs. Jones asked concerned.
"It's not that. I was just so excited to go home today because I really hate hospitals," AJ said, laughing which caused her mom to laugh, too.
"What's so funny?"
AJ turned around and gasped. "Adam!" she exclaimed.
He smiled and nodded. He walked over to her and gave her a quick hug.
"How've you been?"
"She's great now since her boyfriend is here," her mom teased her.
"Mom! He's not my boyfriend..."
"Not what the doctor said."
Before AJ could respond, Adam stepped up and said, "I had to say that because I needed some relationship to come and see you."
AJ looked at him, surprised. "Wow, okay."
"Sorry about that," he said, shrugging.
"No. It's fine," she said, smiling.
He smiled, too. Little does she know, she will be my girlfriend again...Soon.
He looked at her mom. "How are you holding up, Mrs. Jones?
She sighed and shrugged. "Other than having a daughter who needs to be in jail right now, I'm just fine. I'm really happy that AJ made it."
Adam nodded and smiled. "So am I," he said, looking at AJ.
AJ blushed and smiled. "When exactly do I get to go home?"
As if on cue, the doctor walked in and smiled. "Actually, if your guests will step out of the room for a second, your mother has brought some change of clothes for you," the doctor said, setting a pile of clothes that made an outfit on the bed.
She looked down and saw that they were dark skinny jeans, dark blue shirt that said 'Keep Calm and Love Unicorns', high tops, and undergarments. AJ smiled and took the clothes.
Adam and Mrs. Jones left the room so AJ could change in her new clothes to go home. As soon as they left, she dressed as quickly as she could. She was so excited to get out of this place. She wasn't even thinking about what happened at the moment, all that mattered was that she was going home to a comfy, soft bed. Once dressed, she looked at herself, straightening out her long black hair.
"I guess I am pretty...." She shook her head, smiling. She turned and saw their shadows. She opened the door, and three heads turned in her direction.
Smiling, the doctor said, "Wonderful. Let's sign those discharge papers then." Everyone followed him to the front desk, greeted by the woman behind the desk.
"I can't believe I'm going home," AJ said, hopping up and down. All everyone did was smile because they all know very well that it could've been a possibility that this wouldn't be the case.


They walked out of the hospital, and it was a beautiful sunny day. AJ felt completely grateful at the moment. She was out of the hospital, and she was perfectly OK. She felt like jumping in the air like a unicorn flying on a rainbow. She smiled at the thought, looking back at Adam and her mom, who were still at the hospital entrance.
"Guys, hurry up. I want to get out of the place," AJ said, bouncing up and down on her feet.
"Calm down, little unicorn," Adam said, walking a little faster.
AJ giggled and ran to the car.
She jumped in the car and waited for the slow pokes to catch up. How could they be so slow on a day that she was free? Free of her sister that have been cruel to her all these years...

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