Still on the look for Bridget.

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"Do you have any idea where she might be?" Officer Harley asked AJ.
AJ shrugged. "The only places I know of is her boyfriend's or best friend."
"Okay. Do you have the addresses of these places?"
"Sure do," AJ said, a little too excitedly. She gave the cop the addresses and things started to wrap up.
"Thank you for your cooperation. We will do what we can to bring your family justice," Officer Harley said, smiling as he walked out the door.
AJ sighed and looked over at Adam. He was standing in the doorway, smiling at her.
"Think they'll find her?"
"I hope so," AJ replied.
Adam smiled and sat next to AJ. "Me too."


Erica and Liam woke up that morning, relaxed. Erica has realized that she 'loved' Liam, and there would never be any other guy she would rather be with. Erica's parents would be gone today, so they had the house all to themselves all day.
Liam said something about having a private date in the living room involving Netflix. Erica didn't think that was such a bad idea, but they had to get in touch with Taylor and AJ. Erica wanted to know what was going on with AJ's sister.
Erica wanted her caught and punished for all the wrongs she has done. Erica would do anything it takes, but Liam wants her to relax while the police handled it. Letting the police handled it would take a long time, in her opinion. The police always took forever to solve these kind of things.
"Erica, are you OK?" Liam asked her as he sat up in bed.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she half-lied.
"You sure? You looked like you were thinking pretty hard on something."
Liam sighed and yawned. "How did you sleep last night?" Liam asked.
"Amazing," she replied, happily.
He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Bet you did. Come on. Let's eat," he said, sliding off the bed.
Erica stretched and climbed off the bed with him.
"You're cooking breakfast, right?"
Liam laughed. "Of course, your majesty."
She smiled and jumped on his back. He groaned out of expectancy.
"You should warn someone before you just jump on them," Liam said, putting his arms around her legs to keep her up.
"You should warn someone before you sleep in their bed."
"That was different."
"You liked it when I lied down in your bed."
"You don't like me on your back?"
"Not without warning."
Erica laughed and kissed his cheek. "Sorry baby."
"You're forgiven," he said, letting her down when they arrived in the kitchen.
"Has AJ called yet?" Erica asked.
"Not that I know of. Why?"
"She's supposed to call me after she was done talking to the police."
"Why does she have to talk to the police?" Liam asked confused.
"I thought I told you."
"Obviously not."
Erica rolled her eyes. "They are talking to her about her sister."
"That's all you had to say."
Erica punched him in the arm and smiled. "You are such a jerk, you know that, right?"
Liam looked at her and nodded. "You love me anyways."
"No denying that," Erica said, laughing.
Liam smiled and bent down and kissed her. She put her hand on the side of his neck and kissed him back. She felt him smile against her lips before pulling away.
"I love you, Erica."
"I love you, too, Liam."


AJ woke up at 3:30 a.m. She heard someone calling her. "What the hell? Who the hell is calling me at 3:30 in the morning?" she asked herself as she grabbed her phone, annoyed.
"Hello?" she answered, pissed.
"Don't be such a bitch. I just wanted to catch up." AJ shot up once she realized who it was.
"Bridget? Why the hell are you calling me?" AJ demanded, shaking with the phone in her hand.
"You're treating me like some rapist. I'm your sister, not a rapist."
"You...You ARE a rapist! You raped Adam... You threatened to do the same to me. Why the fuck are you even calling me?"
"I know you talked to the police, AJ."
"What's it to you? You're hiding somewhere they can't find you. Why are you worried about me?"
"Very interesting question. I'll give you an answer. I'm watching you, and if you tell the police about this... I will hurt..."
"Me? You're going to hurt me? Go ahead. You already have! You raped Adam, you stole him from me, you did every possible thing to hurt me. How about you fuck off?"
"That would be too easy, and I like to have some fun."
"Go to Hell."
AJ hung up the phone. She was shaking at this point, and she didn't know whether to call the police or Adam. She grabbed her phone and called the police. She explained to them that her sister just called her and how she was threatening her. She was scared out of her mind, and she didn't know what to do. The police told her to calm down, and they would do anything they could to trace the call. If they couldn't trace the call now, AJ would have to call her sister again, so this time, they will trace the call. It was almost 4 in the morning, so AJ decided to go to bed since the police are doing their job. All she knew is that Bridget was stalking her, and there's a chance that she already has a plan for her.


"Did the police track down the call yet?" Erica asked Adam.
"Not that I know of. AJ is sleeping right now because she didn't get to go back to sleep until 4:00 a.m. She texted me before she went to bed, so I don't know when she'll be awake," Adam replied. Erica sighed and sat back. Erica wasn't with Liam right now because he was at work. He got a job at Walmart since he was trying to save up money to buy himself a house. He knew that it would take at least a year since he was only 17, but he loved to dream. Erica and Adam were at Erica's house. Adam showed up about 10 minutes ago, and he recapped her on everything.
"AJ should've called the police right away. They could have traced the call right then."
"I know, Erica. I was thinking the same thing, but AJ was only half-awake. It was kind of hard for her to think clearly at that moment." Erica sighed.
"What did you ever see in her?" Erica asked Adam about Bridget.
"She wasn't crazy when I dated her."
"Oh no...Of course not. It was after you dated her." Adam rolled his eyes.
"I don't know why she went all psycho on us. It definitely wasn't me... Maybe she has been like this her whole life, but her true 'craziness' didn't overcome herself until now." Erica smiled at the thought.
"Something must've happened to her. Someone must've been mean to her or mistreated her in some way."
"That's possible."
"We just need to figure out who."
"She was just fine until...she got into high school. It could've been a secret boyfriend she had." Erica scratched her chin and shrugged. "Anything's possible."
"We're going to need some help."
"You didn't think it was going to be just us, did you?" Erica asked, smiling. Adam shook his head.
"I knew you were going to bring Liam in, at least."
"Of course, but I'm also calling Taylor. She knows Bridget better than I do. She has hung out with AJ at her house so many times, it's crazy." Adam smiled and nodded.
"Great...Let's get to work."
"You get to work. I need to call Liam. He's on his break." Adam rolled his eyes and stood up.
"I should get going anyways. I need to check on AJ. I'm not sure if I should leave her alone for big periods of time anymore," Adam said, gathering his things as Erica nodded and was already dialing Liam's number.
Adam walked out of Erica's house, and he rushed to his car. He didn't want to look like baby rushing to AJ's house, but he was really worried. What if someone did something to her? He couldn't risk anything. He wanted to do anything he could to help capture Bridget, and when he said anything, that meant anything. Adam started to pull out of Erica's driveway.
It was about noon, so everyone was out on their lunch hour. It was the middle of May, so that means that they still had a few weeks of school left until they were off for the summer. Also, that meant Liam has been here for a little over a week. It has felt longer than that. Adam pulled out into the road as he played with his fingers. He wanted to take the fastest route to AJ's because he was so worried. Her parents were home with her and everything, but he still couldn't help with being worried. He took a deep breath. AJ...Please be okay.


"Erica, don't worry. I'm not paying attention to any other girls out here."
"You better not or I'll ship you back to California," Erica joked. They have been talking over the phone for 5 minutes so far since Liam had 10-15 minute breaks. "What did you and Adam find out about AJ?"
"Oh. Bridget called her at 4 in the morning."
"She did? What did she say?"
"We don't really know, but we know that Bridget threatened her in some way."
"If she wasn't a girl, I would hurt her."
"I know, baby."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I wasn't there this morning. I should be there to help you guys figure this out, but I'm here working."
"Liam. Don't worry about it. We are just doing some extra work for the police. You keep doing what you're doing. You need money for your car, to buy your own house and everything. Don't feel bad for any of this."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm glad you are working. You are being responsible. I like responsible guys," Erica said as Liam laughed.
"Okay. I'll keep working. I'll be home in a few hours, okay?"
"Okay. Don't be checking out any girls."
"I would rather check out my grandma then look at any of these girls."
"Oh shut up. Now you're cheating on me with your grandmother?" Erica teased. Liam laughed again. "Bye Erica."
"Bye Liam." Erica sighed and looked at the ceiling.
"Where the hell could Bridgit be?" she asked herself out loud. She shook her head and stood up. She needed to get to work on this because if Adam was going to be AJ's guardian angel, he wasn't going to be helping much. Erica ran upstairs to grab a notebook and pens. She was going to go to Taylor's. Taylor and her were going to discuss different idea on where Bridget could be hiding. She could be hiding anywhere, so this was going to be a challenge.

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