The Game

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Eleanor met up with Erica, Taylor and AJ ten minutes before the basketball game started. They were all standing outside of the gym, discussing why and what was happening. Taylor was the most excited as they were looking around, waiting for the gym doors to open. "Briana better not be here," Taylor said, cracking a few knuckles.
"Taylor. Calm down. You know she's here. She's on the 7th grade cheerleading squad," Erica said.
"Fine. She better not look at me."
"What are you going to do if she does?" Erica asked.
"Get out of my seat and beat her..."
"Taylor," Erica warned. Taylor crossed her arms and took a deep breath.
"What's going on?" Eleanor asked.
Erica sighed and shook her head. "Taylor is still mad at Briana for pouring milk on me at lunch, but I'm over it."
Before Eleanor could respond, Taylor looked at her with shock. "How can you be over it? She embarrassed you!"
"Taylor... I know, but she's not worth it, okay? She's worthless. We shouldn't worry about her."
"You might think so, but I think differently. I'm going to do something about this if you like it or not," Taylor said.
"Fine with me, but don't drag me into it."
"No problem," Taylor said, smiling evilly and waiting for the gym doors to open. What did I just walk into? Eleanor asked herself.


"Did Luke's brother ever text you back last night?" Briana's friend asked her.
"Of course not. I've been texting him nonstop, but he won't text me back."
"Wow. That's weird."
"Yeah... "
"Will he come to the game?"
"I don't know. Him and his brother never comes to these games, so I don't know."
Some of the basketball players started coming out of the locker rooms, and Briana smiled when she saw Liam. "Well...Well... Where's your freak of a girlfriend?"
"She's waiting outside, and her name is Erica. If you think she's a freak, you should look in the mirror," he said, walking away before she could say anything else.
She smiled and turned back to the other cheerleaders. "He thinks he's so brave standing up for that freak."
"Maybe you should lighten up."
"What do you mean?"
"You're bullying Erica for no reason at all."
"There is a reason!" she exclaimed, stomping her foot.
"What did she do to you to make you treat her like you do?"
"She stole Liam from me."
"He was never yours. He always liked Erica. Didn't you see how he looked at her? All the girls noticed it. He's always been crazy about her. His interest was never on you."
"He was always nice to me, complimented me on my shoes..."
"Briana, I do that!" her friend exclaimed.
She crossed her arms. "Why are you being like this all of a sudden?"
"It's just not right. I always saw it," she began, getting closer to her. She rested her hand on Briana's shoulder and continued, "Whenever he talked to you, you're right, he complimented you, but as soon as Erica walked by..."
"Okay, okay. I get it."
"You don't, Briana. He loves her. Plus, you're talking to Ted. Why do you care about them still?"
Briana stopped and looked at the floor. "I don't know. I guess..."
"Is it because it's the fact that she got something that you couldn't?"


They let all the people in the gym 5 minutes later, and Erica and her friends were the first ones in. The cheerleaders were in the locker room, so they didn't see Erica walk in the gym. They decided to sit on the very top bleacher, so they could see the gym better. "Looks like she isn't here," Taylor said.
"They're probably getting ready in the locker rooms," Eleanor said.
"Why?" Taylor asked.
"I don't know... Maybe to check if their makeup is good or something."
They shrugged and waited for the game to start. Erica saw Liam and his team come out of the locker room, and Erica smiled as she caught Liam's attention. He smiled at her and waved. She just smiled and looked at her lap. Then, there was Briana and her co-cheerleaders, and Liam looked at her with disgust while Briana focused her attention on Erica. When they met eye contact, Briana just smiled and waved.
"She has something in store for me. I can tell by her smile," Erica said.
"Don't worry...We have something in store for her too," AJ said, smiling at Taylor.
"What do you mean?" Erica asked confused.
"You'll see," Taylor said.
Before Erica could say anything, the game started, and so did the annoying cheers. Erica looked over at Eleanor, and her eyes were wide as she stared at the basketball teams. "Eleanor? Are you okay?" Erica asked.
She nodded. "Number twenty-one. It's him."
Erica looked and saw someone with the number 21, and the name Zam on his shirt. He is pretty cute. Now I know why she likes him. Erica smiled and sat back, waiting for the game to really begin.

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