Chapter 10: The Issues with Problem Children! The Practical Exam is an Enemy!

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Exams and assignments. They were obstacles all students faced more than once in their lifetime, a horror that could only bring despair and distress to the weak-minded. Torture to the brain yet mindful to the future, there were few and wide of people who cared little for such important parts of their livelihood. For students aspiring to be a hero equivalent to that of No. 1, none of them dared to let their fingers slip from their hands or any answers to leak from their heads.

All written examinations completed for the first semester, the hero course students were calmly anticipating the scenarios of the Practical Exam and their respective results. Stupidly believing the teachers would not change the criteria previously placed on the senior students, Class 1-A and Class 1-B foolishly entered into the U.A building full of hope and contentment.

Only two students remained on the alert, fearing for the worst to come at the expense of the League of Villains: Zeryu Kurosaki and Katsuki Bakugou...

... in which one was silently sulking as the other made plans to invade the media room to watch said male's examinations. Walking down the hallway, the dominant redhead seemed to hover protectively over the blonde while they privately spoke their one-sided conversation. Only one person had the courage to get between the couple.

"Good morning, Zeryu!" offender and official hater of Class 1-A, Monoma, greeted the redhead female with the complete intention of ignoring the hot-headed boyfriend. "How are you doing on this fine day?"

To make a point, as she usually does, Zeryu linked her fingers together with Katsuki's. The hothead didn't refuse, the usual scowl on his face. "Quite well. You?"

Their chatter had been mainly small talk on their way to their respective classrooms. Usually Katsuki would snap back like a demon, but he seemed preoccupied with other thoughts. While Zeryu never minded Monoma's persistence all too much—compared to some people, his efforts barely counted as troublesome—he certainly knew how to ruin a couple's time together. Though, perhaps that would be due to her negligence of turning him down in a straightforward manner. He seemed like a smart fellow, so she assumed her declaration of love for Katsuki would be enough to deter him. She proclaimed it almost every day, so one would think their relationship would not die fast.

Obviously, she may have given him too much credit considering his continued advances. He hasn't attempted anything suggestive, which may be due to the presence of her bokken (he always looked at it in an antsy manner), but it would be in her best interest to nip it in the bud. Monoma never explicitly stated that he liked her, indicating that he wasn't all too serious about an intimate relationship between them. He also tended to drop the facades once Katsuki was out of sight and out of mind. Thus, Zeryu did not feel too bad about choosing to out rightly reject him. She did not need to lose a potential friend and ally over his superiority-inferiority complex with Class 1-A.

Of course, after the exam is over. She briefly wondered what type of Hero Exam they would be subjected to. Judging from their hero training, it would likely be scenario-based. Would they have to fight each other? It seemed plausible, but unlikely. It seemed too basic and easy. They knew each other's quirks far too well, and that would make the marking criteria a mess. In addition, how would they choose the matchups to ensure fairness? Hopefully, the exam would be one worth their time and effort, and not a simple robot demolition game like previous years. Well, I'll find out soon enough.

Time always seemed so short on their walks, much to her displeasure.

Managing to shoo Monoma into their classroom ahead of her, the both of them were finally able to have a private discussion. Tightening her grasp on his hands, Zeryu bent down and pressed her forehead against her partner's gently. A light kiss on the lips that earned a lovely shade of red to cross his face, he gave a huff but didn't pull away from the affection.

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