Chapter 9: Patience is a Virtue in the Struggles of Youth

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Katsuki was aware of many things. He observed his classmates, the dumb extras from other classes and most of all, his girlfriend. He knew she had her secrets, ones that she could not tell and ones that made her face pale and tense uneasily at times. Defensive and protective in his own right, the blonde wants to know what secret and promise would cause his girlfriend to have such jittery and fidgety reactions. Frowns, alerted gaze, lips pressed tightly. Strangers didn't notice these slight changes in her movements, but he did. Sometimes she would stare worryingly at the sky, or unconsciously tense at her surroundings in extreme alertness. As if something so powerful warranted her attention, yet could not be spotted by the naked eye.

Zeryu was not a terrible liar—she was scarily good at what she did, to the point that even truth quirks would have a hard time detecting it—however, her actions were never missed by his greedy crimson red eyes. The blonde watched her like a hawk, and the redhead did so as well. Both of them were highly aware of each other's protective actions, and as far as they cared, it was normal.

"Where is that fucking retard?" he murmured under his breathe with clenched teeth, observing every entrance intensely for any signs of his beautiful girlfriend. Called on for an internship lesson last minute in the dead of night, she still had yet to return to his room or the school campus. "Damn that pro hero!"

There were times when he wanted to push her against a wall and make her spill everything. To tell him the damn secret that made her worry so much, or why he had to wait for two goddamn years to hear about it. About why did she occasionally travel at night, or watch the sky as if villains were there? Who were these people she trained with, or why the so-called "guardian" called her in the middle of the night for a goddamn internship? He had so many goddamn questions, but again and again, she would avert her eyes and state that she couldn't say when lying became too much. Sometimes, she would lie and give him a vague answer. He despised it, and he knew she hated it too. Their relationship was primarily built on trust and therefore, secrets served as a disturbing curve ball.

All he wanted to do was help her, give her support and for fuck's sake, be there for her so he could lift off whatever weights were on her goddamn shoulders. The more and more he watched, the more it seemed as if the redhead was sagging under the weight of the world. But he fucking couldn't, because he wasn't in on the secret. Because her dead but loving parents told her to wait for the right day and she was the good daughter that obediently listened for her own safety. And he respected that decision, because they were wise people.

So all he could do was wait and be patient for the day she could tell him. If not for himself, for the girlfriend that gave him his space and loved him despite his dangerously explosive flaws.

"Hey Bakugou, you alright there? You look like you're about to explode."

The male thrummed his fingers, almost growling at the lack of someone's presence. "Fuck off."

He hated it. He hated that pained face and he hated being patient, but there was only one thing he could do: wait.

And wait.

And wait.

"Katsuki..." a tired voice slurred his name, making him stand in attention. The window near the blonde's desk slid open, revealing a heavily exhausted female that looked as if she could collapse any second. In which she did, into the hotheaded boy's comforting arms and nuzzling into his face. Patience worn thin by her late arrival, Katsuki needed no prompts to scowl irritably and hug her in return. Zeryu murmured expectantly, "I need my daily doses of kisses to make it through the day..."

"Oh my god, Zeryu!"

Within seconds, the couple was hoarded by a bunch of worried students who were panicking about the state of her health. Not wanting to deal with people due to having spent countless hours fighting with hungry hollows, she simply hid her head and used it as an excuse to cuddle and sleep. Voices of worry and panicked questions, it was hard to decide if she wanted to answer in such an exhausted state. All she wanted to do was sleep in the arms of her lover for a good amount of time.

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