Chapter 1: Reunion of the Lovers

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 16 years old.

Many strange things were often seen in the city, especially in Japan. People with mutation-type quirks or inherited mutated appearances could be seen throughout the confines of the city, yet nothing could compare to the odd sight casually strolling in the street with little care for people's wandering eyes or the slight gossip chain of the citizens. Heroes on patrol watched her cautiously, but easily deemed her untroubling.

A smile graced the intruder's lips, warm brown eyes glancing at the changing scenery with an admiration only known to her abnormal mind. Her right hand gently wrapped at the hilt of her bokken (japanese wooden sword), resting the 'blade' in the crook of her neck and rubbing the clover-shaped seal at the place a guard would normally be placed. Her light but dark skin caught the eyes of many, a colour not seen by many but all the more enticing in relation to the young, red-headed beauty. Her clothes were that of modern society, neither revealing nor terribly covering the skin, with a baby-blue-coloured bag on her back.

She was indeed a sight to behold by many.

Zeryu chuckled, "It's been a while since I've been here. It hasn't changed much from what I see," she checked the map in her hand. "Hmmm... let's see. U.A should be around here somewhere."

The female could do little to contain the excitement thriving in her blood. She had trained many months with her Master, learning and combining different sword skills to her own style of fighting and mastering her own zanpakuto. She still had much to learn in the arts of the shinigami, but Zenbosu had finally deemed her good enough to attend the hero school U.A without having to worry about revealing her soul reaper powers due to weakness. It was not an easy feat, but she was indeed happy that she spent many years training to be the best of the best; had she not done so, she doubted she would have the chance to attend U.A.

Sadly, she had not been fast enough in training to make it to the Sports Festival, but she knew she had two other chances to make it in as a fantastic hero. She would make up for lost time with countless more training sessions at her new residence and be sure to do well in the next Sports Festival. She lacked the quirk department seeing as it was the reason for her possible reveal of the soul reaper powers, she focused on fighting with her sealed zanpakuto. She was at a much greater disadvantage in comparison to other aspiring heroes, but with her extended and rather ruthless training session, she was and if not above their hero standards. She had little to worry about, but she hoped that she would not have to face a future where soul reapers will need to be shown.

"Ah, there it is!" the redhead exclaimed with a grin, coming to a stop in her tracks upon seeing the large school grounds. She checked her phone for the time, sadly disappointed at what she saw. "It looks like I still have some time to kill, so I guess I'll do a bit of exploring."

Having came with her School ID in hand, Zeryu proceeded to enter into the prestigious hero school with an awe expression. It was hard to believe that any school could be so large, let alone with so many facilities dedicated to different types of courses—including the Hero Department, Support Department and the General Studies Department. She had to wonder how much money it would've taken to deem such buildings; they had to be really rich in her opinion.

"Where should I even start?" she mumbled, curious which direction would be the most interesting yet the closest to the entrance so she could greet her boyfriend. "Maybe I should just have him show me around instead."

She spent the next hour or two contemplating her next course of action, seeing as she was in no hurry, leaning against the front gate's frame and oblivious to the chiming bell. The only reason she knew that the school day was over was the arrival of a familiar broccoli-haired male approaching the school gates with two of his friends, gasping in recognition.

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