Chapter 3: Transfer Student of Class 1-B

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"Oi, dipshit. Get up."

A groan escaped the female's lips, hiding her head in the crook of her boyfriend's neck and clinging tightly to the male who tried desperately to both get out of her grasp and to make her get out of the bed. It was surprising to see that she was still tired, considering she had slept immediately after having her dinner. However, he didn't need a reason to get onto his teacher's bad side—that teacher was already annoying as it was with his dramatics!

He scowled, "Get up, you fucking dumbass! We have school today!"

"I know," was her reply, which only boosted his lack of patience and the number of veins popping on the top of his head. She only chuckled. "OK, OK. I'll get up now, Katsuki."

Finally sitting up on the warm bed, she pecked his cheek with a chuckle and grabbed a hold of her bag that had been miraculously moved to the base of the bed. She pulled out her new U.A uniform, narrowing her eyes at the inconvenient skirt but decided it didn't matter so much. Unsurprisingly, Katsuki had noticed the action but decided not to question it; since she was an aspiring swordswoman, skirts were highly inconvenient in fighting. It wasn't surprising that she didn't like it.

She rose from the bed, placing a hand on Katsuki's head and kissing his forehead. "I'll see you at breakfast, m'okay?"

"Whatever," he said with a huff and a pout, swatting away her hand. "Just go take a fucking shower already."

"Alright, alright."


Although the female had yet to be formally introduced into Class 1-B, she was the talk of Class 1-A for her relationship with Katsuki Bakugou. Smartly, she had decided not to intrude into their class until she had met her own, unintentionally leaving her boyfriend to meet the wrath of his curious classmates who had yet to meet the woman.

"You traitor!" Mineta had yelled. "I thought you were one of us!"

"What's this about Bakugou having a girlfriend?" Hagakure flailed her invisible arms up and down excitedly. "What's she like?"

"She's really pretty!" Kaminari told the class. "And super nice! Nothing like Bakugou!"

Kirishima added on to that note, "She's really manly too! She carries a bokken with her! I bet she's good at swordsmanship or something!"

The ash-blonde wished he had stayed home instead. It wasn't that he was ashamed of having a girlfriend; no, it was quite the opposite. The problem remained with the fact he didn't like how many people would know of her, and how her popularity would skyrocket to the point he probably wouldn't even be able to spend time with her without someone interrupting. She was his! No one should try to get in between their time together!

And now that his classmates knew of her existence, he doubted he would be given a decent amount of time to relax. She'd probably be harrassed for the entirety of their lunchtime, if not after school and before school if they were that desperate. He wasn't liking the idea of Mineta getting a peek at her either; that perverted scoundrel needed to learn what human decency was.

If their chatter hadn't annoyed him before, it did when Izuku and his group of friends started talking about her with the other classmates; who eagerly listened to their words. It was not everyday they heard about the rather antisocial male, to know that he had someone he was close to was already surprising so of course they wanted to know more. More so on the type of person they were to deal with such an explosive personality.

"Yeah. They've been romantically together since middle school, but she wasn't around a lot because of training."

"She seems like a well-educated student," Iida inputted. "She was very polite; a great hero to keep an eye on. I am worried about the sword she is carrying however."

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