Chapter 4: A Training Like No Other! The Strength of the Hidden Soul Reaper!

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Strength and weakness. Prime examples of opposites that never seemed to change. An aspect that continuously changes with the rise and fall of human beings, evolving their mines into something better or letting themselves fall at the hands of their own faults and flaws. Developing, changing, evolving—that was the evolution of mankind, and if they could not evolve, they would be left in the dusk.

However, that was not the same for soul reapers or the dead. There may be those who falter at the stance of those stronger than their own; or unable to grasp the concept that hard work was what made talent; or simply believe their own strength would never match to those at the top of the food chain—however, soul reapers, in their essence, must never strive to be weak.

To fight, to be better, to live for another day.

If there was a soul reaper who believed otherwise, they truly were not the essence of a reaper.

For as long as I live, I will not falter!

Contrasting greatly to the usual six days a week of full-day training at the result of her dead parents, Zeryu has become accustomed to the three day training her master had given her. Currently meeting the proper requirement to mingle with the aspiring heroes in U.A without the use of her soul reaper powers, the training could be limited and slowed down to the normal pace (an under exaggeration in her opinion) of a growing, aspiring soul reaper. As per usual, the training took place in the afternoon until midnight at the dojo in the mountain, leaving an appropriate amount of time to improve in her sword styles and her zanpakuto abilities.

Amongst the people that trained here, they were: Master Zenbosu, a human that had the appearance and face of a cougar, one of the best human swordsmen alive and was the few people gifted with innate spiritual powers to see the dead; Captain Kenpachi and a few members of his squad—they had nothing better to do in comparison to other squads—and the occasional visit from the other captains and stronger members of the 13 Court Guard Squads, such as Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Soi Fon, and many more. Occasionally, the two espada level hollows who were neither bad nor good—Grimmjow Jeagerjaques and Nelliel Tu Odelschwank—would come and go as they pleased to train her. It was mostly due to the fact they were bored while in Los Noches though.

The result of these talented soul reapers training her despite their busy lifestyle was due to the fact that she was a seeable soul reaper that needed to be supervised and trained, especially when she aimed to be like the troublemaker, Ichigo Kurosaki, while also acting as a hero. In addition, she also risked exposing the identities of the soul reapers considering her abilities were ridiculously inexplicable in normal terms of human beings.

Unfortunately, Zeryu's parents and grandparents were unable to visit and train her personally in the World of the Living considering they were very well-known amongst the citizens if they used a gigai. It would be one heck of a story to try and explain their sudden return from the dead. There was also the problem of sentimental issues of not being able to communicate with the people they knew from their time of living if they didn't use a gigai. However, while it was a disappointment, she did get to see them once and awhile since she would visit the Soul Society to train. Although, that only occurred depending on what type of training her Master had in store for her.

Regardless, her training was always intense and was usually given little room for breaks. As a soul reaper, it was important to have high stamina because it was unlikely that the enemy would give them time to rest, hollows especially. Despite that, it was one she enjoyed and an opportunity she would never dare to miss, even if it was hellish.

If she wanted to be a hero, she had to be undefeated, strong and everything that a villain could not defeat nor cause her to waver in strength. If she wanted to be a soul reaper, she must be strong enough to protect humans of the World of the Living, strong enough that hollows wouldn't be able to eat her even if she was in the jaws of the mouth, to defeat them without the need to draw her zanpakuto. And if she wished to be both, her strength must be unrivalled and better than any human in the world; that she would be able to break down anyone and anything in her way without the use of her zanpakuto abilities.

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