Chapter 11: A Race to the Escape Gate!

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Perhaps it had been a twist of luck or just a mercy call from the teachers, but their team had been given a city location. They had immediately sprinted when the countdown hit zero, running straight ahead and scanning the surrounding area. Monoma did not get much chance to run though, as Zeryu hauled him onto her shoulders to make some distance into the city. He was a slow runner compared to her, after all. She may or may not have heard him scream in protest (or fear, perhaps, she would never know), but that might have been the wind.

5.... 10.... 14 seconds... 30 seconds...

Zeryu immediately dumped the boy on the ground without warning. Not bothering to spare a glance at her partner, she turned on her heels and ran back in the direction they came from. Catching his feet, stumbling, Monoma did not waste time in running in the opposite direction—searching for a hiding place, as well as the exit.

45 seconds... 50 seconds... 1 minute.


With dust trailing his path, the soul reaper saw the mightiest hero practically fly into her with a punch as a present. Reflexively, her other hand clasped onto the "blade" of her bokken and blocked the hit with her zanpakuto in a two-handed parry. Her sandals skidded on the concrete harshly, the momentum carrying All Might's strike working against her and managing to push her back a good hundred metres. The Number 1 Hero had a look of surprise on his face, not expecting a normal person to be able to block his attack, but he quickly hid the expression with a devilish grin.

"It seems I've underestimated you heroes." Zeryu gave no reply to his attempt at a taunt, pushing back against the man to make him stumble and leaping back to gain some distance. "A bit cautious, aren't you?"

Her lips twitched, barely holding in her snicker. All Might should never play as a villain in the future. He truly had no skills for it. "Better safe than sorry."

She kept her attention on the hero, tracking Monoma's miniscule spiritual energy as she did so. Her partner moved further and further away from them, making quite some distance. The disguised soul reaper shifted her body into an offensive stance.

400 metres.

420 metres.

450 metres.

For someone so slow (or perhaps, she was too fast), Monoma moved well. That being said, she had to stall All Might a little longer if they wanted their plans to be a success. She wished she could push the man back, but that seemed tedious in the long run. It was better to keep the man from moving forward, lest he used Monoma as a hostage if he closed the distance somehow.

By provocation or by fighting, it didn't matter to her.

"Are you all alone, hero?" His deep voice sounded mocking, as if the hero in training would fall for such tricks. He really was not cut out for this line of work. "Did Phantom Thief run off and leave you to fend for yourself? That's not very hero-like of him, now is it?"

She returned his comment with a very Bakugou-like response. "Is talking all your good at or are you gonna fight me, you overgrown villain!"

All Might's villainous expression wavered at the insult, spluttering out "overgrown" in a flustered and somewhat offended manner. Well, she technically was not wrong per se, but Zeryu will let him keep his dignity intact. This man always did get caught off guard by anything her boyfriend said, and understandably so. Although, one would think he would have gotten used to it as his teacher, having spent a trimester teaching him.

"Hah," she snickered with a wide grin, "got something stuck in your throat or something? Maybe you should go to the doctors and get that fixed, you old man. You're too old to be fighting heroes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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