Chapter 5: None the Wiser

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For Katsuki Bakugou, having competition for his girlfriend was a constant problem. It was not an oddity to see his girlfriend surrounded by different types of people—some with good intentions while others were considered bad in his books. It was something he was all too familiar with, from middle school to high school. People were always attracted to her, some—despite knowing their relationship—would attempt to get in between them. She always brushed them off with ease, giving him confidence that she would never leave him, but somewhere... somewhere, deep inside of him, he still worried and every damn time, he couldn't help the blood that boiled in his veins whenever he saw someone flirt with her.

He didn't mind that her popularity skyrocketed with both genders. He was goddamn proud that his girlfriend was both a beautiful woman and had an amazing personality to match with it. He would brag about her to the whole damn world if he could, but he also wanted to lock her away from those prying eyes of theirs. Both her beauty and personality appealed to many types of people, and while some might not be thriving for her affection, most looked for an opening. He didn't mind if they wanted her friendship so much, but he hated anyone that was searching for the latter from her. She was his for pete's sake—people need to know these things!

Amongst the people who don't seem to learn their lesson, it was someone from his own damn class sadly. He was given the title of the Class Pervert, a bastard who didn't know the word human decency; let alone know how to act like a human being. If he wasn't looking for affection, he was looking for any opportunity to see 'things' he shouldn't be seeing from his girlfriend. Especially when Zeryu chooses to visit his class at random times of the day, for perks or otherwise, and not secretly either.

These were one of those times.

It was one of the many mornings that Zeryu would walk with him to U.A, sometimes playing her usual tricks and asking for more kisses than he could give. She hadn't always been so affectionate, but she had always loved hugs, even before their boyfriend-girlfriend relationship had started. It had gotten worse as kisses were added to the 'ways to show affection' list, especially since they were separated often for important but annoying reasons.

Seeing as they had arrived early, the redhead in question decided to spend some time in their classroom to learn more about the classmates she usually didn't see Katsuki interact with. She wandered about the classroom, speaking with other people and greeting new arrivals as they passed by. The ash-blonde watched for a while to see if she was fine, but eventually lost interest in a one-sided conversation with Kirishima.

Then it happened. Mineta had decided to do the unthinkable, sneaking up behind his girlfriend and trying to use his height to his advantage to find the perfect peeking position. Katsuki sent a devastating glare to the purple-haired bastard, explosions setting off in his palms and making Kirishima stop his flow of talk to see what had pissed him off this time.

"Hey, Bakugou, what's wrong... oh."

It didn't take long for the male redhead to figure out what happened, shaking his head when he saw what the pervert was doing and not the least bit amused by it. If Mineta had noticed the glare he was receiving, he didn't show it and only proceeded to do his disgusting act. Zeryu didn't seem to notice, continuing to talk with Tokoyami, Shoji and Ojiro but Katsuki saw it—the tightening of her hand on her sword, the slight shifting of her position into an offensive one. She definitely noticed, and either decided it wasn't worth it or seeing whether the pervert needed to be taught a lesson. He was hoping she was leaning to the latter and it seemed that was where she was heading towards.

Kirishima asked his friend, "Shouldn't we do something about that?"

The cackling explosions were all the answers he needed.

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