Chapter 6: Class 1-B and the Transfer Student

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The moment she had introduced themselves, Class 1-B's first impression was of the following: amazing, crazy or manipulative. Knowing the type of person the hotheaded teenager was, it was difficult to imagine there was anyone willing enough to go through the torture of quietening the blonde. Simply looking at Class 1-A told them how much of a hassle he could be when his temper was out of control, even the male redhead Eijirou Kirishima could barely reign him in as his closest friend. As a result, much was to be expected of someone of such caliber.

And the way Zeryu casually spoke to them as if being Katsuki Bakugou's girlfriend was no large feat on its own, was enough reason to believe she was special.

Was it her personality?

Her looks?

Or her skills as a quirkless person?

Nothing seemed to be clearly painted in black and white to identify the attribute that made her undeniably special in comparison to the rest of them. They simply knew it was there, the charismatic nature that never seemed to fail to captivate people so innocently. A charm hardly anyone could resist, an attractiveness that drew people's attention. To become friends or more, to bathe in the warmth of her kindness and friendliness, to simply stand by her side.

She was not normal.

And oh, how Class 1-B learned.

With time, came the realisation Zeryu Kurosaki was no normal human being. Quirkless all the same, she proceeded to carry a bokken everywhere—one they had personally seen stab through the ground multiple times in the face of wrath. Calm and hard to aggravate, she dared to tease the hothead and get away with a few couple of kisses mixed in safely and unharmed. 'Arguing' on a daily basis, the idea of the two breaking up was a scenario they believed to be unfathomable and yet almost wishable.

It seemed to them that Zeryu, the redhead, didn't think of anything else beyond the scope of Katsuki Bakugou. Seemingly physically and emotionally attached to the arrogant blond, the woman still had the mentality to think for herself.

They couldn't understand her, but the same could not be said for Class 1-A—those people were unusually compatible and at ease with her dominating presence. Why was that? Was it because they lacked the experience of danger and cruelty of the world? That they were too 'normal' to mix in with the more crazy yet sane group?

They weren't sure, but somehow, it did not seem to be such a huge deal to them.

Why? Perhaps it was because they still had common sense on their side.

Only a week or two into her transfer and yet, they were sure Zeryu was more than enough to handle any craziness that crossed her path.

However, every once and awhile, she would surprise them with performing normal humanoid actions. A small, simple gesture that made their hearts fuzzy warm and relax happily. A reminder that this redhead was a human like them.

Even if, at times, she acted as if she was not.

"Say Kendo," Zeryu called out to their Class Representative, sending out a rather gentle smile in comparison to the flirtatious one she usually had in the presence of a certain hothead. The orangette thought it was somewhat strange to see, but welcomed it all the same. Many were under the impression that she had only eyes for Katsuki, lacking any sort of independence whatsoever. "And anyone else for that matter, want to go and hang out for a bit in a mall or something?"

The barefisted fighter replied in a friendly manner, "I don't mind—I don't have anything planned today, but what about your boyfriend? Shouldn't you spend some time with him?"

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