Chapter 7: The Hell! She's Too Strong to be Quirkless!

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Full of many students with a potential for any career path they wanted, rumours and gossip were like wildfire in U.A. regardless of what or who it was about, it can be assured that nearly every student would know the second information was leaked to the student public. The moment someone knew of such information, that was when the basic assumptions of their abilities and talents came into play, a mixture of what was known and what was speculated.

In U.A, it could prove to boost one's popularity or it could be someone's downfall.

For someone such as Zeryu Kurosaki, a complete mystery to many students with only the tantamount title of Katsuki Bakugou's quirkless girlfriend, she was the hot topic of U.A for weeks. No one knew what to truly expect of a woman who had the audacity to date the hothead of Class 1-A and carried a bokken everywhere she goes as if it was normal. They all contrasted in opinion, but there were two main ideas of belief: there was the thought she would be as strong as her boyfriend because Katsuki Bakugou would never date a weakling; and the insulting notion that she was weak due to her quirklessness and needed to be protected by her boyfriend.

No matter the case, everyone waited in anticipation for what was to come in the first training session the female would participate in. Despite attending U.A for more than a few weeks, she had yet to entertain them in consideration of the fact she needed to use that time to catch up on missed material. They had previously speculated it would cause a strain on Zeryu, but the teachers told them there was nothing to worry about.

Having the teacher's complete faith, their expectations only rose by seconds.

While not totally oblivious to the gossip and chit chat roaming the school grounds, Zeryu chose to ignore the extras in favour for the attention of her adorably hotheaded boyfriend and backyard training with her mentors. Though she did believe collecting information was valuable, she had no interest in learning what others thought about her specifically in any matter. To be honest, she thought it was a waste of time as did most mature soul reapers believed a.k.a Kenpachi Zaraki, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Soi Fon and didn't bother with details. Rather than gossiping about her, she'd prefer they talk to her and get to know themselves.

However, she supposed people will be people and usually had their setbacks. Perhaps she was too intimidating for people to approach or they were too shy to take the initiative. Regardless, she won't care for such annoying problems. They were miniscule in comparison to her desire for her birthday to arrive, and for Katsuki to finally know of her secret.

Fortunately, her classmates never made any assumptions or hypes about her ability further than what she had accomplished in the weeks she had been in U.A. They didn't question her and patiently waited for her first proper training session, in which she wouldn't be studying and watching from the sidelines any longer. However, that didn't mean they weren't excited for what possibly could be ensued by the mysterious female.

Not only was her personality obnoxiously appealing to the majority, she was a beauty beyond compare to most girls in their year level. Ravishing sunset-red-like hair, warm brown eyes, tanned skin, tall in height and a nice figure all in one package—many girls would be jealous of her! Yet, none of them could feel a hint of resentment for her popularity. She also carried a rather odd weapon, a wooden sword that could probably cause a few bruises but nothing more. Certainly she must have some sort of skill to be transferred into U.A, even if her relationship with Bakugou made the school's opinion of her skyrocket drastically both negatively and positively.

Ahhh... I would feel better if I had gotten another kiss...

Pulling on the sleeves of her kimono and adjusting the black-coloured hakama, the female verbally noted to hold her true strength back for her own convenience. Quirkless that she apparently was and professionally trained by a hero for many years, no amount of training could compensate for the strength behind her fists at such a young age. It would be way too suspicious and could open a can of worms she didn't want. Although once they were accustomed to her, she would slowly pretend to progress to her original abilities.

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