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【𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 】

【𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 】

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katherine anderson is currently seated next to Jason, who has been knocked out by bricks. Her blue eyes were fixed on him anxiously as she waited for him to awaken. Piper's here as well, next beside Katherine who hold Jason's hand.

She's there to support her, they've developed a very good friendship over the last six months, with Piper being one of Katherine's safe havens.

"He'll be fine." Piper said and Katherine sighed. "Yeah." she has use her powers to heal him to some extent and his skin back to color, that's a good thing but yet he still unconscious.

Percy came into the room and Katherine's eyes turn to him. "He's still unconscious." Katherine explain. "He not looking too good."

She nod. "I know, I tried to heal him but it's just some part." Percy nod then he yelled. "ANNABETH! WE NEED YOU."

Annabeth came in minute later and start to give Jason ambrosia which made Katherine relief, now she has bigger problem. she need to know about how Leo doesn't been himself and start to shoot rome.

"He'll be fine, Kat you wanna come up with us?" Annabeth said and asked after process's done.

Katherine look at Piper and Piper nod then she turn to Annabeth and nod. Before leaving, she kiss Jason on forehead and whisper. "I'll be back."

 Then Katherine, Percy and Annabeth climbed up, their faces grim. Leo's heart stumbled. "Is Jason—?"

"He's resting," Annabeth said. "Piper's keeping an eye on him, but he should be fine."

Percy gave him a hard look. "Annabeth says you did fire the ballista?"

"Man, I—I don't understand how it happened. I'm so sorry—"

"Sorry?" Percy growled.

Annabeth put a hand on her boyfriend's chest. "We'll figure it out later. Right now, we have to regroup and make a plan. What's the situation with the ship?"

He told Annabeth about the damage and the supplies they needed. At least he felt better talking about something fixable. He was bemoaning the shortage of Celestial bronze when Festus began to whir and squeak.

"Perfect." Leo sighed with relief.

"What's perfect?" Annabeth said. "I could use some perfect about now."

Leo managed a smile. "Everything we need in one place. Frank, why don't you turn into a bird or something? Fly down and tell your girlfriend to meet us at the Great Salt Lake in Utah."

Once they got there, it wasn't a pretty landing. With the oars damaged and the foresail torn, Leo could barely manage a controlled descent. The others strapped themselves in below—except for Coach Hedge, who insisted on clinging to the forward rail, yelling, "YEAH! Bring it on, lake!"

Katherine decided to go sit with others in dining room, Leo had made the lounge as nice as possible, The cupboard was lined with magic cups and plates from Camp Half-Blood, which would fill up with whatever food or drink you wanted on command. There was also a magical ice chest with canned drinks, perfect for picnics ashore. The chairs were cushy recliners with thousand-finger massage, built-in headphones, and sword and drink holders for all your demigod kicking-back needs. There were no windows, but the walls were enchanted to show real-time footage from Camp Half-Blood—the beach, the forest, the strawberry fields—although now Katherine was wondering if this made people homesick rather than happy.

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