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"Ha! I win! Again!" Jin yelled excitedly after beating Jimin for the third time in a row at Mario Kart.

A loud groan was heard from the youngest as he slid from the couch to the floor in defeat. "You know what? I give up," he sighed getting up and heading to the kitchen to grab one of the cupcakes that Yoongi had made previously.

The group of friends were together today, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi, with a cute little Holly running around the place. They were waiting on their other two friends whom had come back to Korea from their long trip. To say the least, Yoongi felt nervous. Mostly because since the incident, he had cut away any communication and relation to them. He has not talked to them or texted them, and he felt sorta bad. But he was trying his best not to let the overwhelming feeling overtake him and his thoughts.

He sat on Jin's dinning table together with Namjoon and Hoseok, the two talking about their jobs and their lives. Catching up on the things they had missed. Meanwhile, he was watching the other two play the video game on the TV, while snacking on some chips they had served. He silently rooted for his lover, while he smiled at their antics.

When his name was called from the kitchen, he looked towards the owner of the voice the golden eyes meeting his own dark ones, "hmm?" he replied, eating more of the chips.

"You want one?" Jimin showed his plate with some of the little-sized cupcakes.

The oldest nodded his head and got up from his seat, leaving his other fiancee to continue talking with his friend. He approached the other and took one from his plate, taking a bite and leaning on the counter.

"I could have served you your own, you know?"

"Why? When I can steal some from you," he moved the hand holding the treat from side to side before smiling and taking another bite.

"Ohh, look at you being daring," Jin commented with a grin, looking at the two lovers in his kitchen.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked towards the couch, sitting down next to him and grabbing Holly in the process, setting him on his lap, "let's play," he declared grabbing the previously discarded controller from the floor.

Jin laughed, "ready to get your ass beatened?"

"We'll see who wins. If I win, you need to treat me to a coffee date" Yoongi challenged, with a smirk on his face as well.

"And if I win, I get to take you out shopping. You need better clothes than just black and white," Jin replied.

"Sounds like a deal," Yoongi looked towards the front getting comfortable and petting Holly's head. "You choose one track, and I'll choose another, deal?"

"You're on!"

With that, the two friends got into the game, yelling at each other whenever they overtook each other, pushing, shoving, and laughing along. With so much noise going on, the conversation between Hoseok and Namjoon was long forgotten as the two stared at their loves with bright smiles. Jimin joined them, sitting on Hoseok's lap, who wrapped his arms around his waist.

"He has improved," Jimin commented quietly.

"He has," Hoseok agreed, placing his chin on Jimin's shoulder. "I'm proud and happy for him."

"Me too."

Another complaint came from the oldest hyung, who now pouted after being defeated in the first round. He shoved his younger friend to the side, Holly getting annoyed and jumping down from his lap.

A knock interrupted all their activities. Jin got up from the couch and quickly went to the door and opened it, already knowing who the newest visitors were. He quickly pulled the two into a bone-crushing hug, "I'm so glad you guys are here! I missed you both," the oldest whined.

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