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It was another (beautiful) day in the life of the trio. Like always, each went their own way for work. Today was the last day that Yoongi would have to stay late. He was done doing the finishing touches on a song, and he has asked to leave a little earlier than usual, though he was still staying past the normal working hours (kind of).

He had gotten a call earlier in the morning from his good old friend, Jin. The oldest ask him to show up for today's hang out. He couldn't argue or deny to go, because in the same phone call his fiance, Hoseok, started talking to him and telling him to go.

'You cannot go back on your promise to Jimin, you are going,' he had said. 'Plus you need a break too. You work hard enough, time for rest is also essential.'

Saying no would have made more issues, so with a soft sigh and gummy smile on his face, he had agreed to go. He had earned an excited yell from the hyper male, it made his heart warm up.

During lunch, he had met Jimin in the cafeteria. The younger had bought them their food and happily sat down to eat. Yoongi listened to everything he said, every word that came out from his pretty pink lips. The younger was excited about the new choreography that he was teaching his students. Mostly because they would be competing this year on the nationals (something he talked about every year round). The youngest had high hopes that they would make it far this year, so he was working his hardest to fulfill his students, and his, dreams.

Now he sat in his office, the dusk disappearing and the cold blanket of the night covering them. Angry tears fell down from the sky into the earth, chilling the core from the morning hours, the clatter of agony and sorrow illuminating his small space followed by a loud and long 'boom'. Dark brown orbs stared outside the window, taking in the beauty that the night had to offer.

His office was now quiet, letting him know that everyone had left for their homes. To either go out and drink or be with their friends, since Friday was here and the weekend had commenced. The only noise was the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the glass in a swift movement. The droplets would slowly dance down until they too eventually hit the ground too. For some reason, that fascinated Yoongi.

With one last glance onto the outside world, he turned his chair towards his computer, stretched his muscles, and put on his headphones. He got back to work, with the rain being in his background. All he had to do was to edit the track before he could submit it to his manager, and after, he could leave. Glancing at the corner of his computer, he read the time before returning to work.

9:42 pm.

He had to be done by 10:30, at least.

Typing into his computer, clicking on the different icons, he moved his fingers swiftly across his worn keyboard. The light from the monitor contrasting with the thunder. Bobbing his head with the tune, he sighed before starting to change some things again, from the begining. For some reason, his head kept on messing up. Kept overthinking. Is the beat too much? Do the lyrics not match up? Does it sound good? Or is it a mess? It frustrated him. Too many ideas wanting to merge together into one song. A slow beat, a faster beat, drums in the background or guitar, singing or rapping. He kept changing his mind over and over.

Why was it so hard to finish this? Is it because he was stressed out? Because he had disappointed himself lately? Because he had placed high expectations as of late? Or was it because he was anxious? Wanting to leave the office and joining his lovers. They were expecting him after all. Maybe he was just beating himself for no reason.

He sighed, frustration taking over. Closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath, he continued with his work. The frown on his face never leaving. He scratched his head, switch position, straightened up, cracked his knuckles, crossed his legs, stretched, cracked his neck.

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