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Day 7, last day...

On the sixth day they had gone back to Disney. They spent most of the day there, had lunch, and when night time came and the park had closed they went back to the hotel and ordered food.

Hoseok and Jimin had noticed Yoongi had changed in a matter of a day. The smiles and conversations they shared before had suddenly stopped. Back at the park he seemed to space out constantly and wouldn't reply when he was asked a question or spoken to. They were back to square one.

Hoseok had asked if it was due to the little memory that sparked, but in all honesty he didn't know either. He wasn't sure if it was that or everything he had pushed at the back of his head now resurfing. He just didn't feel like figuring it out either.

He opted with shutting down instead, hoping that eventually everything could be sorted out.

Like always.

"There's a garden near here, should we go? Before we head out to the airport?" Jimin asked, phone in hand as he looked through the pictures of the place he wanted to go.

The three males were sitting in the hotel room, Hoseok and Jimin on the small desk with the two chairs, and Yoongi sitting on the bed in his own world. They had been quiet the whole time, the two lovers often sharing looks and whispering amongst each other. Talking mostly about a way to raise up Yoongi's mood again.

"I don't see why not. We can take pictures there too," Hoseok added, sitting closer to Jimin and peering over his shoulder looking at the phone. "Hyung? What do you think?" he asked the oldest, both looking at him.

Yoongi however, had not heard them. He was on his phone typing away. He had texted Jin the night before, asking how he was doing. He may have gone on a rant and now just kept talking back and forth with him. Seems like he always turns to his older friend when he needed help.


I don't know what
to do anymore hyung
I feel more confused
than before


give it time Yoongi
you had a snip of a
memory, no?
don't force yourself
into remembering things
enjoy the last day
you have, and when
you come back
we can talk, yeah?


I don't want to
I want everything
to be solved already

"Yoongi hyung," Jimin spoke again, this time getting up and walking over to where Yoongi was laying on the bed. Covering the screen, he forced him to look over at him. "Were you listening?"

The oldest looked at him, blinking a few times and slowly shook his head, "no, sorry."

With a sigh, Jimin smiled softly at him not letting his patience slip away, "before we go to the airport, want to go to a garden nearby? It's really pretty, plus the last bit of time we have before we go back home."

"Okay," he replied, locking his phone and putting it back inside his pocket. He looked over at the other male, who was looking at him as well with a smile. "When are we going?"

"We can go now, it should be open. Want some coffee on the way there?" Jimin asked looking at his phone for the time.

"Can we?" the oldest asked.

"Sounds like a plan," Hoseok said, getting up from the chair he was on and turning around to gather his things. "Iced coffee?"

"Please," Yoongi got up from the bed and headed to his clothes grabbing a warm jacket for the journey.

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