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Life is full of surprises. One day you find yourself going on about your boring life, and then something unexpected but good pops up. It can turn it to good or to bad, but one can only hope for the best.

Because hope is what keeps us alive.

Hope is what keeps us going.

It had been two years now. Two years that the relationship of three had been together. Two years of fond memories and loving moments. And two months since Hoseok decided to propose to both during a winter day. A very special day for a group of special people. Now spring was coming, the flowers were blooming once more, and the animals were waking. It was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

But their love went unchanged. If anything, it grew deeper with stronger roots that made them stable.

"Yoongi-ah! Hobi is being mean!" the youngest of the relationship complained, arms crossed and lips pouted, trying his best to act cute.

Which was working to his favor. It always did.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop bothering your boyfriend?" the oldest complained, slapping a certain hyperactive male on his arm.

Clearly it was too early for him to be dealing with such things in the morning. Especially when coffee was not yet coursing through his system and all he craved was a warm and comfy bed.

"Hey! He is not my boyfriend. He's my fiancee. And it's cute though! Look at him," he pointed towards the other as a form of defense.

"It's too early for this," Yoongi complained and propped himself up on the counter top, taking his plain black coffee and drinking from it.

A certain pink haired boy walked towards him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He rested his chin on the other's chest and smiled innocently. The other male wrapped his legs around him, and pulled him closer, resting a hand on his back, caressing small circles.

It was a warm feeling. Even warmer that his precious coffee. It made the pit of his stomach twist and turn, and a smile appear on his face.

"Do we have to work?" the youngest sighed content with the feeling.

"If we want to make a living, yes," the brunette added, finishing up with the breakfast he was preparing for them.

Yoongi just nodded, his eyes feeling heavy from the lack of sleep he had the night before. As usual, he got home late. At around 4 o'clock in the morning. He came home to two sleeping males cuddling, and when he got into bed, he quickly passed out.

It seemed to be the routine lately. Work, come home, eat, and sleep. To repeat all over again in the morning. Hoseok and Jimin were getting frustrated about it. Stating they didn't spent enough time with their boyfriend. Or fianceé now. And the oldest totally understood. Which is why he was overworking himself at the moment so he could at least get two weeks paid off from work.

He hadn't told them though, he wanted it to be a cute surprise. With the whole engagement thing, he wanted to have a small vacation paid for them. A day where they could forget about work and being responsible, instead they could focus on them.

Sweet, right?

On the other hand, Hoseok was still working at the day care. The usual hours, from 7 till 6. He decided to stay away from duty for a while, after the accident he had a while ago. His higher up completly understood and gave him a break from service, but with open doors if he ever wanted to come back early. After all, he was one of their best.

"Are you staying late tonight?" Hoseok asked, serving the breakfast onto three different plates.

"Probably, unless I finish the piece I'm working on," putting the cup to the side, he gave Jimin a hug and kissed his head. "I can try to be home early though."

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