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Aunduin's POV

Days, weeks, months. I don't know how long I've been on Pandaria. All I know, is that I'm alone. I sent off my companions as we went. It is too dangerous. The orcs know me, and attack every chance they get. The Hozen have a bounty on my head, after I killed one of their alpha's by accident. I truly didn't mean to. It surprised me. Tried to kill me.

Other things want me dead as well, just for existing. But they want everyone dead, so I can't say much.

I panted as I ran. So much running now a days. I'd been running for a good thirty minutes now. If I was on flat ground, I'd proabably be better off, but I'm not. I'm on a steep hill. In the jungle. Being chased by tigers.

Just my luck.

I'd run into one of the people who Father had sent to find me earlier. Rell. A night elf rouge of the SI:7. They'd probably had gotten me too, if I wasn't as fast as I was now. Before I'd gotten away however, they'd told me something.

"Anduin, you're father is here. Please, please go to him. He's worried sick."

It hurt to say the least.

I wanted to return to father with every fiber of my being, but I was scared. Scared of seeing the disappointed face I knew he'd be wearing. Scared of the words I know he'd say. Scared of- wait, what?

I don't know where these thoughts came from. I've never thought like this before. Even when I found I was a priest and told him, I never feared him.

Didn't I?

I don't know anymore.


Bloody hell!

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize where I was. I grunted in pain as I landed, a large Tiger crawling closer. I'd tripped over a damn... Bone?

Oh crap.

From the feeling of my wrist, I'd broken it when I'd landed.

Worst. Priest. Ever.

I growled and pulled myself up with my unbroken hand. The tiger growled back and got into pouncing position.

"Please don't" I muttered. "Please don't. You'll get hurt."

It pounced. I lunged to the side and didn't look back as I pulled myself up again and ran. I knew I wasn't being chased anymore. There was a spear pit from an old Hozen camp. I knew it had landed in it.

Tears in my eyes, I ran faster.

I didn't like to cry. I always hid it when I did. Any time that father spoke of fighting, I cried. Not on the outside, I've learned to hide that. But on the inside. Where it killed me. Slowly ate at me.

I know I shouldn't feel like this. "It's War, Anduin" He'd say "We fight if we must fight" I knew that well. But it hurt. Mother never liked to fight. I hadn't known her that much. I barely remembered her, but I know she never liked to fight.

I continued to run. Finally, when I knew for certain that I was safe, I stopped, sat on a rock and looked over my wrist.

From what I could tell, it was a simple break. Painful, but simple. I bit my lip. I was never that good at healing myself. Another thing I'm useless at.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. For what felt like hours, I sat there. When I opened my eyes again, I looked at my wrist.

With shock, I realized, I'd done it! I'd healed myself!

With a light smile, I picked myself up and made my way across the jungle floor again.

(And that Is the first chapter! Sorry if it confuses you. I hope by the next few chapters it clears up any confusion. BTW, I haven't decided, but I might put myself in the story, as in my main on WoW. I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking about it. Anyways, thank you!)

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