Chapter Two.

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Selena Gomez as Adriana Simone

"What can I get for you ma'am." I say to the older woman who was seated in the tiny but warm and cosy cafe that I worked in.

"A vanilla latte would be great, dear" she answers with a bright kind smile.

I smile back but not with the same brightness or kindness. My smile is cold and hollow just like my heart, just like my soul.

See, me and this woman were worlds apart,

She was old maybe 60 and I was young, 24 to be precise. Her brown eyes were warm and welcoming while my hazel eyes were cold and indifferent. She wore a smile often while I had a frowned.

Like I said worlds apart.

I head back and gave Samantha the woman's order.

I sighed deeply as I checked the time on my phone.


Just a few more minutes until I can finally go home, till I can finally be alone. Away from the world's harshness and into my safe haven.

I gave the old woman her latte and waited for her to leave as she was the only and last costumer.

I went to the back of the cafe, to the staff room, took off my apron and took my bag then left, today was Samantha's turn to lock up.

I started heading to my apartment which was about 20 minutes away from the cafe I worked in. I could have taken a cab which would get me home a lot fast but I didn't have enough money to waste on a cab.

For me every cent counted.

When I got to my apartment door I saw yet another note from my landlord informing me that my rent was overdue.

I crumble the paper up and walked into the house throwing my bag and the paper on the floor and myself on the couch.

I sigh.

I just want for a moment to rest from this game called life, just for one moment.

I went to the kitchen of my apartment and took out a bottle of cheap wine and downed it not even bothering to pour it in a glass.

Finishing the bottle I head to my room and got in bed. Not bothering to change into something comfortable, not bothering to make dinner, and not caring that it was freaking 5 pm, I fell into a deep nightmare filled slumped just like yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

And every other day.


One Week Later

I just finished my shift at Cathy's Cafe, it was once again an uneventful day with minimum tips, cranky customers and horny teenagers. I took my jacket and headed for the exit of the small cafe with the intention of getting home and drinking what's left of my wine.

I started my journey home feeling rather content, something that doesn't happen often. The soft warm wind of Autumn brushing against my arms and the chirps of the birds singing a melodic tune in my ear.

The content feeling I felt shoved the dark clouds of depression and filled me with a sense of peace but only temporarily for I know once I get home, my safe home, my sorrows will come back and I'd have to drown them with wine.

But my peace didn't last as long as I expected because I suddenly felt eyes, eyes watching me.

Have they found me?

I look around frantically searching for any suspicious looking figure but to no avail. Did they finally find me after all those years of running away.

Would I have to leave again. I started walking fast in hopes of arriving home and locking my door.

They can not have found me right? I changed everything except my first name, i dyed my hair, I wore lance's for a while, I got a fake ID. How could they have found me.

I sped up the steps almost running, my breath picking up in panick and adrenaline but I didn't get far when a man stood in front of me with a sinister smirk that told me that he wasn't here to help me.

His blue eyes glared at me with hatred, his blonde hair swaying with the wind and his lips pulled into a smirk. He was good looking but it was no time to examine his looks as complete panick took over my senses.

"W-who are you" I breathe out. I prayed that it wasn't his man coming to take me back to that hell hole.

"Don't worry about me sweetheart, now be a good girl and come with me to my car." He says with a hint of an accent.

"Why would I do that, hasn't anyone told you to never enter a stranger's car." I swallow my fear but it wasn't him that I was afraid of, it was someone else, someone much more threatening.

"It's either that or the hard way sweetheart" he steps closer his smirk dropping and now replaced with a scowl.

"Screw you!" I yelled out, probably not the best idea when this man was clearly threatening me and he had the upper hand.

"The hard way it is" before I could comprehend what was happening someone from behind placed a cloth with chloroform on my mouth and nose and wrapped his or maybe her arm around my neck giving me 5 minutes before the chloroform makes me pass out which I used trying to fight the mascular body but alas it was no use.

My eyes were becoming heavy by the minute and I found myself dozing into a dream less slumped not before hearing;

"Sleep tight sweetheart, can't wait till our next interaction"


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