Chapter Nine

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"So Hains, tell me about your relationship with Antonio, I mean you must be really close to him if he gave you a whole branch to manage " Lucas' voice was almost playful, he was calm and relaxed as if he wasn't staring at a man tied up and bloodied from the times we had to knock him out after he regained consciousness.

Even with his voice playful, his gaze and face were cold and indifferent, nothing new there.

Hains kept quiet, deciding to stay loyal to his boss, my dad. I knew Hains would never recognise me since only a selected few knew about me.

I was leaning on the wall watching the interaction like a movie, I had insisted to watch, I'd very much wanted to be as involved as  much as I can.

"You must know, I'm not quite fond of repeating myself but I'll pretend you didn't hear me and be generous this one time." Lucas continues. I didn't really understand his interrogation techniques but I was interested to see how it would play out.

"How close are you to Antonio?" He repeats the question but still Hains did not reply, he just glared.

"You know what, let's leave these questions for later, why don't you tell me about your family, do you have any."

I waited to see a reaction or something to tell me what Lucas was doing but I got nothing.

"Mmh, I see, a wife? Mother?...sister, no? How about daughter?"

Still Hains remains silent. It almost seemed as if Lucas was talking to a wall except this wall was alive and had a mean glare.

"How old is she? Does she know what her father does, that he is a very very bad man. Does she know that because of her father's line of work every single day of her life could be her last, every breath, every word, every action, it could all very well be her last.

I imagine that you'd do everything to protect her, then make this easier for both of us and answer my questions. Quite fair if you ask me, my questions will be answered and your daughter will survive another day."


"Okay, okay I'll...I'll tell you all I know but promise me you won't hurt my daughter, she's all I have." Hains sighs heavily, clearly tired.

This probably wasn't the first time his daughters life has been threatened. If he wasn't working for my father I would have felt sorry for him.

"You have my word. I'm sure you know how we Italians are big on promises. Omerta and all anyway I did tell you that I don't like repeating myself so I won't, I'm sure you remember my question right?"

He nods stiffly. "I'm not close to Antonio, he only keeps a specific group of people close to him and the only time we ever interact is when he wants to know about his branch. He barely knows me or the way I look." He shrugs.

Lucas nods his head then stands from the stool that was placed on the opposite side of Hains. He then walks towards the door, i follow him like a lost puppy, a lost confused puppy

I didn't understand what he was doing and I also didn't get why he stopped questioning the guy when we barely got any answers.

Once we were out of the room, Lucas locks it then calls Dante.

"Dante, I need you to tell Noah to look for George Hains' daughter. Tell him to look up his dead wife and then use her surname to look for his daughter, I'm sure he wouldn't use his own. "

"Also Dante, Keep Hains in there for 3 days without food or water, then on the third day, plant a tracking device chip in his food. After he eats the food let him go after a day. Let him believe that we are no longer interested in him."

"Boss what if he goes and informs Antonio about us." Dante asks.

Good question.

"He won't, for a few days he'll probably stay away from Antonio and his daughter, probably thinking we are following him so he wouldn't want to lead us to them if we were looking for them."

With that Dante nods his head and makes his way towards where I'm guessing Noah is.

"Okay, now please explain to me what just happened." I finally speak after watching Lucas take charge like the leader he is.

"I'll tell you over Lunch." He sighs and makes his way towards his study leaving me alone and curious.

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