Chapter Fourteen

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Once I was dressed in black tights and a black spaghetti top with a black leather jacket and black boots I made my way towards Lucas' room. I opened the door not bothering to knock.

Dante, Lucas, Victoria and some other man were in the room discussing.

"Now that you're finally here we can get started on the planning."  Lucas says glaring at me.

"Better late then never right?" I shrug not caring one bit. Lucas just rolls his eyes at my indifference.

"I must not remind you of our deal, now should I?" He says while glaring at me. I could sense his anger through his gaze and words but once again his face was cold and unfeeling.

What deal?

"Oh but you can't forget the deal, the deal where I kill you if you do not provide any use to me and right now you're being more of a bother then useful." The room was silent as he says these words, I decided not to answer  but I wanted too, I wanted to so bad but I couldn't afford losing his alliance or being on his bad side.

I've got too many enemies to be left alone.

"I think we should continue with this meeting so we can get this over with." Dante says breaking the tense silence and the staring competition Lucas and I were having.

"Ariana, I'd like you to meet Henry, he is the head fighter of the men Chris sent." Lucas introduces.

"Nice to meet you Ariana." Henry says while gazing at me up and down with his dark eyes.

He was a strong guy, with more muscle then fat. His black hair trimmed short ans his body built for war.

"Likewise." I mumble. I didn't trust easily and right now I didn't trust him.

"Chris sent about 10 of his men, who are now residing in this hotel with ear pieces waiting for my command, the plan is to go in and out. I'll break into the security system and turn of all alarms and any resistance on the way, you three will get into the house and look for the girl, kill anyone who gets in your way. I will join you once I'm done with the security system. If things get out of control which I'm sure they will that's when Henry and his men will show up and assist, as a contingency plan."

"Well that sounds simple enough." Veronica complements with a shrug.

"Chris also gave us weapons and earpieces." Lucas says opening a huge trunk that had guns, Ak47', bombs, knives and a smaller bag with ear pieces.

He hands the ear pieces to each one of us, wearing his own.

"Can we pick our weapons now." Dante says with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

With a stiff nod from Lucas, everyone heads towards the trunk.

I watch Lucas as he opens a separate case with a customized gun, it was black with a rose indent on it, he placed it on his waste band the he took a bunch of other personalized weapons like daggers and knives and strapped them all over his body.

Tearing my eyes from the daunting man I take weapons of my own which was mostly knives and a gun. I worked better with knives not so much guns.

I place the ear piece on my ear and wait for everyone to finish getting ready.

"Is everyone ready to go." Lucas asks while placing bullets in the pockets of his black cargo pants, he wore all black including black boots and a black T-shirt that hugged his body, showing off his toned body.

Everyone mumbled a sign of agreement, Lucas grabs his laptop bag and with that we were all out of the building and heading to the cars.

"Dante, Ariana, Victoria and Henry in one car, the rest of the cars will have me and the men." Lucas says once we were outside.

The others and I head to our designated car just as we were leaving the rest of the men arrive and head into their cars along with Lucas.

"According to the previous records of his last location he should be about 30 minutes North, the big house with a white gate, the only white gate in that neighborhood, shouldn't be hard to miss." We all heard Lucas say through the ear piece.

The drive carries on in silence with Dante driving.

"There is a park about 10 minutes away from his house by foot, leave the car there and walk the rest of the way, make sure you go unnoticed, we've arrived there already and that's where the men will be waiting until they hear a signal." Lucas says.

When we got to the park we parked the car and stepped out of it making sure too not look out of place especially since we all wore black.

Dante turns towards a black car that was parked farthest away and nods his head even though the windows were tinted.

I looked around some more and saw other cars but this time in different colours and immediately knew this was the team.

"I've already hacked into their security system." Lucas says.

"So quick." I whispered but he unfortunately hears me.

"It's pretty easy, I just logged into the company of their security system, installed a virus which should shut down the alarms, cameras and computers. Unfortunately for them their whole security system is from the same company so it just made the whole job easier because they are interconnected."

"Alright Einstein can we move now."

When he confirms we make a move towards the house being as stealthy as we can, Lucas was right, all the houses either had a black gate or some other colour other then white.

When we find the actual house with a white gate, we hide behind a car that was parked near the gate. They were two guards stationed by the gate although they were not holding any weapons we knew they were not weapon-less.

"We need to take them out without making too much noise. The element of suprise is our friend right now." Henry whispers.

"How though, the moment they see us theu will attack." Victoria asks.

We all stay quiet as we think of ideas on how to go about it, until it hit me.

"I have a plan."

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