Chapter Twelve

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We finally arrived in Italy, this wasn't the first time I was here one of the reasons being that the AMB was mostly hosted here in Italy so I was well acquainted with these streets.

We head to a 3 star hotel, although well taken care off it looked old and unpopular.

"After all that persuading Luc you still take us to this dingy place." Victoria complains. She spent the whole plane ride trying to convince Lucas to upgrade the hotel we would be staying in.

"If you call this dingy you should have seen the first one he had suggested." Dante snickers.

"I know you said you didn't want to get noticed and that a fancy shmancy hotel would bring attention to us blah blah blah but I'm starting to believe you're just making excuses for being cheap." Victoria says her voice sarcastic.

Lucas rolls his eyes turning to me, "Do you too want to complain about our living situation." He says dryly.

"As much as I've been in better I've also been in worse." I say not bothering on elaborating.

We head inside the hotel with out luggage. Lucas heads towards the front Lady who was dressed in a tight shirt that had two buttons missing revealing a less then decent amount of skin.

Her black hair was tied into a high ponytail and her pale skin was caked in make up.

I don't listen to the conversation mostly because it was in Italian but soon enough Victoria makes her way towards Lucas when she sees the lady's advances towards Lucas, she places her manicure fingers on Lucas bicep and smiles sickly at the receptionist.

"She acts as if they are together." Dante tsks, shaking her head at the sight.

"And they aren't?" I question, i couldn't help my curiousity.

"No. Lucas doesn't do relationships or love, its been that way since I've know him which is a very long time." Dante says.

"I kind of got that part, he doesn't really look like the type to write love poems or make love under the sunset typa' guy." I snicker.

"Well true but then again Darcy doesnt look like that type either at least not after Elizabeth, maybe Luca just needs his own Elizabeth." Dante says shocking me. Who knew he would be a puppet to Jane Austen.

"Well well well who knew Mafia men read romance novels." I chuckle.

Dante rolls his eyes, "I don't, I just believe in feminism."

I laugh at how deffensive he looked. It was quite great that he read though, it broke the stereotypes.

After a couple of minutes Lucas and Victoria finally come back holding 4 keys with numbers 1 to 4.

"What took y'all so long." Dante says making me realise how impatient he is.

"That bitch was busy flirty with Lucas instead of doing her job." Victoria rolls her eyes clearly agitated.

"I could have dealt with her advances on my own Victoria." Lucas says sounding annoyed.

Lucas hands us the keys to our room before making his was down the long hallway leading to our rooms but he stops for a moment and says, " Keep your phones on." He then continues his walk towards his room which was room number 4 right next to my room number 3.

"See y'all in the morning i guess." I grab my bag and made my way to my room.

I opened the door to the 3 star hotel, the room looked tidy, the walls cream in colour, the bed queen sized with dark blue sheets, the furniture was made out of wood and there was also a door which I'm guessing led to the bathroom.

I took advantage of the shower and took a long shower but soon got out when the water turned cold, i brushed my teeth, dressed into my pyjamas and made my way to bed.

Just when sleep was about to catch up to me i hear it.

The moans and groans coming from the wall behind the bed, room number 4.

I could hear the bed banging against the wall as let me guess Lucas and Veronica were going at it.

I could hear Veronica screaming through the thin walls, it was frustrating and causing me to stay awake staring at the ceiling waiting till they were done so i could finally sleep.

They never did...stop i mean.

Not until the wee hours of tomorrow when the sun was already peaking.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, i looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were red from lack of sleep, i looked like a mess all because of fucking Lucas and Veronica.

They just couldnt keep it in their pants now could they.

I brushed my teeth and took a bath then dressed in black tights and a red hoodie.

Letting out a yawn i open the door only to find Veronica wearing Lucas' shirt heading towards her room.

"Oh! Good morning, i hope we didnt keep you awake all night, you see when im with Lucas i just cant seem to keep it in. You understand dont you." Veronica smiles.

I give her a smile of my own, "Oh im sure you had fun." I roll my eyes and made my way to the resturant that was in the hotel.

Just as i sit down, Dante makes his way towards me, "Fuck, i need coffee." He groans looking just as tired as i am.

"Join the club." I sigh holding back on a yawn.

"Fucking Veronica and Lucas."

A waiter comes with menus, we order our breakfast and strong black coffee to go with the breakfast.

"Hello guys! I see you've ordered already!" Veronica says walking towards us with Lucas following closely behind.

They sit on the empy seats next to us and order their own food.

They both looked well rest and that bothered me to no end.


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