Chapter Five.

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I couldn't tell him that. How could I when I don't even know him much less trust him.

I kept quiet choosing not to answer him. "You better answer me or else" he warns.

"Your threats are just bluffs Lucas. You threaten to kill me, yet I am still here" I say sarcastically.

Lucas takes out a gun from his waistband and shots the side of the chair I'm sitting on, startling me. For the first time after him I actually felt a hint of fear.

"Now speak, next time I won't be so generous" he calls not killing me generous?

"I didn't want to live such a risky life so I left" I lie easily.

"Nope try again" he says casually, catching onto the lie. For a moment I stayed silent. I've never told anyone this and now I have to tell a complete stranger.

"He killed my mother. He hurt her nevermind what he did to me but when he shot her, I knew I couldn't stay" I whisper with a hard look as I stared at the wall with indifference.

"So I left, changed my last name, my hair, wore lances and moved countries. Everytime I felt unsafe I left. I never made friends in fear of them working for him."

I took a deep breath. "End of story."

"He is your father, yes?" I shoot him a glare. He might have contributed to my birth but he was no father of mine, all he cared about was his stupid mafia.

"Not father, maybe sperm donor"

"You hate him, yes?"

"Hate him? I loathe him" I scoff. I wish he could crawl into a hole and die.

For a minute Lucas stayed silent. His was studying me with his calculating gaze. "I have a preposition for you." He says after the brief silence.

"Help me kill him, help me take down the mafia, help me get revenge"

"Why would you need my help?"

"Bambina, if you help me you'd be my greatest asset. Your father has played his cards now it's my turn and I'm planning on winning"

"Okay let's say I do help you, what's in it for me"

He scoffs

"Avenging you mother's death, protection, I'm sure moving everytime you feel unsafe gets lonely, I can offer you safety and lastly seeing Antonio beg for his life. What more do you want"

"A reason."


"Why do you hate him so much, what did he ever do to you. I get that it's your job to get rid of the bad guys but this seems personal"

His posture hardens proving my theory right. "He is the reason I lost my job and why I was sent to prison for a crime I didn't commit and," he jaw clenched and his eyes hard.

"He killed my little sister."

I instantly felt sorry for him, I knew how it felt to lose someone close to you. We stayed quiet for a while.

"I'm in" I say after the tense silence.

"Good, let's go to my office and discuss" he says walking towards the door. "Easy there tiger, first of all I need to freshen up then eat. Can you lend me a 20 I'm craving for pizza. My periods are probably gonna start soon"

I stood up from my chair and walked towards the door, snickering at his expression. He looked confused it was actually cute.


He leads me out of the basement and into a hallway with a bunch of doors. We climb the stairs and he opens the door infront of us.

Turns out we were in a house...and by the looks of it, it was quite large. I stare at the beautiful interior of the house as he leads me into the unknown.

After a while we stop infront of a door and he opens it. "You can freshen up in here and I'll send someone to give you something to eat. Be done in an hour and I'll come and fetch you so we can talk"

I nod my head, my eyes looking around the room. It was beautiful, with dark blue, black and white as the theme colours.

He nods in farewell and walks away. I got inside the room and went to the bathroom and immediately took of the dirty clothes I had on and hopped into the shower.

About 20 minutes later I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I needed clothes.

I got out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and opened the other door in hopes for finding clothes but unfortunately there were none.

Suddenly the door opens after a warning knock. "Good day dear, I brought your food and some clothes to wear, they might be a little small" a cute older lady says with a toothy grin.

I give her a cold smile in hopes of it not coming of as rude. I just hate happiness and she oozed a lot of it.

"Thank you" she drops the goods and walks out.

I change into the dress and it wasn't just tight, it was a little too short for my taste. It reached mid thigh. Plus I hate dresses.

I quickly eat my food and just as I finished the door opens revealing Lucas. "We can talk now, yes?" He says looking bored but frantic.

"Eager aren't we. I didn't know you'd miss talking to me this much" I say sarcastically at his frantic self. I picked up the plate and made a move to leave the room. "Leave the plate the maids will take it and yes I'm eager, I want to get this conversation over with.

I'm a busy man I've got plans to make, actions to take, people to kill" he says casually.

He leads me to what looks like an office and gestures for me to sit down, I do and he follows my lead and sits on his big office chair opposite mine.

He takes a cigarette and lights it. "Now let's get this over with." He drags the smoke.


Note: Did you see the frozen 2 reference. If yes comment what it is. ;-) First one gets a shout out.

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