Chapter Six,

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"So here is the deal, I will offer you protection and you will help me take down Antonio and the German mafia. I had Dante prepare a document that you will sign agreeing to the terms. You will also be living with me and you have to quit your previous job."

I read over the document and looked for any trickery and potholes but find none. "But what would happen after. After you kill Antonio and the mafia what then" I ask.

"You are free to go, since you will no longer be in danger. I will even pay you." He shrugs his shoulders showing that he couldn't care less.

I nod my head slowly agreeing to his terms. They seemed fair. I sign the document after reading it through one last time.

"Okay so before I go, I need to know what I'm working with. You plan to take down Antonio with what army? What plan? Who are you exactly?" I ask after handing him the paper.

He smirks which caught me of guard, although it was barely noticeable it was still there "You doubt me and my abilities?" He says almost in a rhetorical way. "You can't really blame me. I barely know who you are." I roll my eyes.

"Do you want to know me?" He asks while staring at me with such intensity making me shift uncomfortably.

"Um, well I will be working with you for a while so yes." I say breathlessly. Making me confused at my reaction.

"Well then have dinner with me and I'll tell you all about me." His voice low and husky.

"Are you asking me out" I voice out my thoughts not noticing that I said that out loud.

He laughs as if I said a joke. "Oh gattina. I don't like you, you bare the blood of the man who ruined me. Asking you out would be the last thing I do. This is for business purposes." He stares at me with amusement.

"Plus I like my women easy. You're not exactly my type. No hard feelings, sí?" He teases.

I glare at him and tried to hide my embarrassment and regain what's left of my dignity.

"I'm going" I announce. I walk towards the door only to be stopped by his deep voice. "I'll be at your door at 8. Don't be late."

I nod my head stiffly and walk out.

What a jerk.


What exactly do you wear for a dinner with a man you don't particularly like but still want to impress?

I didn't want to dress up for him but I also didn't want to dress down. If that made any sense.

I was quite suprised when I found my suit case filled with all my clothes but at the same time relieved because I didn't like wearing or taking things that weren't mine or bought by me.

I decided to wear black skinny jeans and a pink oversized sweater with knee boots. I decided that I shouldn't care about what he thought about me.

After brushing my hair and tying it in a messy bun, not a minute later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there behold Lucas dressed in black slacks and a black shirt.

"You didn't have to dress up all for me gattina" he says absent  mindedly as he scans me up and down. Men.

"Eyes up here Casanova, let's go" I close the door behind me. He leads me towards the kitchen and settles me down onto the bar stools.

"Can you wait a bit while I finish up?" He asks as he rolls up his sleeves and puts on a pink apron with a floral pattern. Making me snort slightly.

"You know you take this whole pink is for girls and blue for boys stereotype quite seriously" I snicker. He looked comical.

"I don't cook much, this belongs to Silvia, my housekeeper."

"Well dont I just feel special, You're cooking for me and everything"

"Don't, I like to butter my enemies up before I strike"

"You know an enemy of an enemy is your friend." I get up from my seat and head towards him.

I grab the the knife in his hands and pushed him out of the way so I can cut the mushroom instead. I felt useless just sitting there.

"So what are you making" he looks at me with shock but then recovers. "Push me like that and I will forget about our deal and kill you on the spot. Just because I'm being lenient with you doesn't mean you should get all comfortable with me." He glares.

I ignored the fear in the pit of my stomach. "What are you cooking, just so you know I don't like onions...or garlic" I say as I continue to cut the mushrooms.

He stays silent for a moment watching me. "Mac and Cheese" he mumbles going back to cooking.

"How Italian of you" I chuckle.

"Questo perché sono italiano"

"Oh, lo so"

"You speak italian" he asks his gaze narrowing. "Just the basics." I shrug

After about 30 minute of cooking and meaningless bantering we were seated across each other in the dinning room.

"You make a mean plate of Mac and cheese but then again you are Italian. You're made to make food this good" I say after taking a sip of wine.

He chuckles. "Where did you learn to cook this well" i begin with my questions, starting of lightly.

"My mother and grandmother." He shrugs not going into depth as he eats his own food.

"How old are you?"



"15 November"




"I'm pretty sure you're not going to spend the whole night asking me petty questions, sí?"

He was right, I was stalling.

"Okay then, tell me, whats your story?"

"I am....I was the head of the secret agency, P.I.A (Private Involvement Agency), the agency isn't very known, we did things so secretly and tried to not make ourselves known.

We were hired to take down the German mafia by the government and when the mafia found out we were on their tail they took action. After they killed my sister it didn't just become a job to take them down it become a necessity. Things became really personal.

I was still grieving my sister that I didn't expect them to attack, i wasnt ready for their attack but they did and that landed me in jail with a sentence that didn't belong to me." His anger was clear but he was good at keeping a calm exterior.

"So what exactly is your plan. If you have one anyway" I roll my eyes. He probably doesn't. I mean he was only one man against a whole mafia!

"Never under estimate my abilities. I'm always prepared" he looks me in the eye.

I nod stiffly. "So what's the plan."

"How Familiar does my name sound to you"

"What do you mean" I asked my brows furrowed.

"Have you ever heard of the name King before me" he continued watching me closely.



I gasp once I realised why the name King was familiar.

He couldn't be...could he?

"A-are you the Don of the Italian mafia" I found myself stuttering.

But doesn't he also fight for justice.


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