Chapter Four.

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Not even ten minutes after blondie walks out, he walks back in but this time with a man trailing behind him.

"Capo, meet Adriana, Adriana meet my boss." blondie says with a big smile on his face, I roll my eyes at his antics.

"Leave us Dante" the man blondie or should I say Dante addressed as boss says in a cold but husky voice. I couldn't keep my eyes of him.

I was but just a female after all and he was a good looking man who carried his ocean blue eyes, well trimmed black hair and strong figure with confidence. It was only natural that I stare.

Dante walks out of the room not before winking my way and mouthing 'good luck'.

"Adriana huh? Is it Adriana Simone or Jones maybe Haynes. Which one is it?" The good looking man says his voice cold but his eyes amused.

How does he know I changed my last names a few times...

"You look like a smart man I'm sure you'll figure it out" I reply with boredom.

He raises his eyebrow threateningly but he stayed calm. "Can we get to the point, your side kick didn't really fill me in on why I'm here." I continue.

"Oh stop playing the innocent game raggaza you know exactly why you are here." he says, with a deep accent that I couldn't pinpoint, he was Italian that I could tell but he also had another accent.

"Tell me what I need to know or else." He says calmly. His gaze cold and threatening but his face calm and collected.

"Or else what" I challenged with a look of indifference and a bored tone. I wasn't afraid of death. Depression does that to you.

"Or else I'll make sure you suffer a painful death" his calm demeanor still intact but his promising eyes told me he would do it, he would kill me.

But I didn't care, this wouldn't be the first time I looked death in the eyes but the difference now is that death was a beautiful blue eyed man with midnight black hair.


I could tell by the glint in his eyes that he wasn't just enjoying this interaction, I intrigued him and he was curious.

"Then do it capo, you obviously need me I might not know exactly why and what you need me for but you don't look like the type to make mistakes. So me being here wasn't a mistake" I keep a straight face.

The corners of his lips tilt up for a quick second.

"You are quite amusing, I'm really tempted to keep you as my pet, gattina, but unfortunately your fate was already decided whether you choose to tell me what I want to know or not you're gonna die."

"Maybe if you told me what you want and asked nicely I would actually cooperate" I say sarcastically.

He looks into my eyes for a while. "Do you know the name Lucas King" he asks suspiciously while his eyes were locked with mine.

He was studying me for any reaction that would prove that I was lying.

Lucas King, I've heard him talk about a Lucas King but that was a long while ago. "I've heard of him, he works for an undercover justice agency but he went of the raider for a while and has been ever since."

"Do you know why"

"No. That's the only information I know about him. I don't even know how the damn guy looks like" I shake my head. Where is this conversation actually leading to.

"Do you know anything about the German mafia"

For a moment I freeze but I regain myself, I know for a fact my actions did not go unnoticed by him. "I'm sure you did your research about me Lucas. Why are you asking me things you already know."

"How did you know that I'm  Lucas" he asks, his eyes curious and his voice suspicious but his face blank.

"I didn't it was just a gamble, I'm right aren't I?" I smirk.

"I might know a couple of things about you but there are some things that you just can't find online." He ignores my previous retort.

"Why did you leave the mafia"


Capo- boss
Raggaza- girl
Gattina- Kitten

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