Miss Invisible (One Direction Fanfiction)

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Charlie's P.O.V

My palms were sweating, my stomach felt like it was doing the tango, and I felt like I was going to puke. I could practically feel it starting to come up but I managed to keep my light lunch down. The room felt like it was slowly getting smaller as my nerves set further into my already frazzled mind. Was I really going to do this? I thought to myself, attempting to smooth down my light blue sleeveless lacy shirt and black skinny jeans for the hundredth time. My stylist picked it out earlier because she thought it gave me a “fresh-faced” appearance. I could feel my glasses starting to fall down my face, as they do quite often, and I promptly shove them back up to their normal spot.

Looking into the mirror right next to me, I don’t recognize the girl in front of me, whose beauty was border-lining ethereal. Her hair was curled to perfection, her makeup, although scarce, looked flawless, making her looks light and airy. Her clothing added to this image, although the black jeans added a twinge of sass to the entire look, bringing it all together. It took me a minute to remember that the person looking back at me in the mirror was….me.

I could hear the crowd chanting about 100 feet away from where I was standing, “Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!”

Hearing them so excited made me that much more nervous! I started pacing while thinking to myself, What if I tripped over my own two feet? What if I sang the wrong words? What if I just lose it and toss my cookies all over the stage? Each of these situations that were running through my head seemed entirely possible at that time.

Someone called to me, handing me a microphone and saying that I had one minute until I went onstage. I took one more deep breath in and let it out, attempting to get myself to relax. I didn’t have very much luck. I shook myself out, trying to get all of my muscles to relax. Still, I wasn’t able to relax. If anything, it made me more nervous.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, a muscular hand too. I smiled, and turned around to see the faceless guy that I have seen so many times. He is a little taller than me but that is all that I can really glean from him. The rest remains a mystery. All that I know is, whenever I see him, the butterflies that I have in my stomach go into overdrive. The guy says something to me that, although I couldn’t hear it, I knew that it was comforting. Right before I was due to run onstage, he pulled me into a kiss. Not just any kiss either, this one was one of those firework-starting, stomach turning, feeling it everywhere in my body-type kiss. His lips felt soft and warm against mine as we stayed that way for a little while more.

Looking back at him again, I smiled, definitely ready to face the crowd now. Checking my outfit one more time, I smiled at the mysterious figure and ran out to see thousands of screaming fans facing me.

“How are you guys doing tonight?” I yelled. The crowd screams in response, holding up posters, taking pictures, screaming things that I couldn’t hear over the mass noise.

I cue for the music to start, as I have done a hundred times, but when I open my mouth, it doesn’t sound like me singing, it sounds remarkably similar to my alarm clock. Again, my alarm obnoxiously goes off, ripping me out of the dream that I have had multiple times within the past few months.

I groan, slamming my hand down on my alarm. When it didn’t stop, I groaned again and I kept slamming my hand down until it FINALLY shut up. I force myself upright, rubbing the sleep that was encrusted around my eyes. After feeling around for a few minutes, I locate my glasses and place them on my face. I am absolutely blind without my glasses, like Velma from Scooby Doo. It gets pretty bad when I lose them, which happens every so often.

Finally regaining my vision, I looked around my robin's egg blue room and, regrettably, saw no screaming fans. All I saw was a lot of dirty clothing scattered across the floor, a memory board overloaded with pictures, and a dresser covered with random lotions and potions. Sighing, I pulled myself out of bed and trek into my private bathroom. Turning on my light, I take a look at the girl who is less-than-ethereal; long brown wavy hair, sky blue eyes, average height, a little skinnier than average.

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